Auxiliary Switch | Project Golden Rule

Changing a light bulb is the sort of thing people do all the time without pulling the air gap. :man_facepalming: I don’t see the issue here :man_shrugging:


Thought… If I have a 5 way circuit, can I freely mix Blue 2-1 & White switches? The 4 way wiring diagrams only show 3 Blue or 1 Blue and 2 White. Could I do 2 Blue and 1 or 2 White?

While we haven’t specifically tested to confirm this, my gut is telling me no this is not possible simply bc when you wire two blues together it requires you to use neutral and line, whereas with the Aux switch, you cap off the line and use the travelers.

In addition, the switches need to be programmed to let them know what they’re connected to and if you set the smart switch to work with an aux switch, it requires different logic to work than it would smart switch to smart switch.

I’m sure someone can give a better explanation, but I’m 99% sure this wouldn’t be possible.

You can, however do 5x smart switches or 1x smart switch + 4x aux switches if it’s any consolation.

Question on the manual - especially the online version. It states:

NOTE: This is much easier to configure via your hub’s app – however, if you’d like to do it manually at the switch, please follow the instructions below.

And then… nothing. Would it be possible to add instructions which parameters to set and what firmware version is required?

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Any update on this? I’m leaning toward doing my 4-way and 5-way circuits in Blues so that I can get a sort of “presence detection” based on which of the switches was activated. But I don’t want to add latency compared to using the Whites, which will be instantaneous.

Yeah unfortunately this wasn’t possible with the Blues. I can’t remember what the technical reason was but I know they couldn’t do it (I think it added another relay (bringing it to 3x total) and something to do with the PCB.

I will say, the zigbee bindings are extremely fast, but I understand the wanting a hardwired solution.

Hi Eric, is this project still on a matching timeline to the 2-1? I have both in a preorder.

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Yup :slight_smile: - shipping at the same time!


Will the White-Aux switch still work if the smart switch connected has ‘disable local control’ enabled?

I have smart bulbs connected to my smart switch and disable local control set so the bulbs keep power. Right now my GE Aux switch will not work. Will the Inovelli White-Aux allow me to use the auxiliary switch to control the lights?

For clarity I guess first off, is this a Blue Series smart switch? If so, why use disable local control instead of smart bulb mode to keep the bulbs powered?

I haven’t tested this but offhand the Aux switch would end up behaving the same as pressing the Blue series. So button events from the Aux will be the same as pressing them on the Blue itself.

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It will be with Blue Series (and maybe Red Series 500 chip eventually). I thought Smart Bulb Mode just makes sure the bulbs get full power. The Disable Local Control is the only way to disable the internal relay.

If you have Smart Bulb Mode enabled, it’ll guarantee the bulbs have full power, Disable Local Control is redundant in that case (but on like the black series where SBM doesn’t exist, it can serve a function similar like you described…it also works if you wanted to have the bulbs off and make it so the paddle can’t turn them on, etc).

As far as events working from the Aux switch, I’d expect it to work fine with the Blue Series, but I believe the Red Series with the 500 chip does not get button events through the Aux switch due to memory limitations or similar reasons. My assumption would be that the 800 series ones will have that as a prioritized feature to give them parity with the Blue series.

Also, on the Red series, only the dimmer has the SBM setting. For the switch, you Disable Local Control.

I activated SBM and disabled local control (I don’t have smart bulbs). Using the White series switch, I was able to send button commands to the Blue switch.


I see these are back ordered now. What is the estimated ship date currently?

I believe they should be here in mid-late November, but I just asked the manufacturer.

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In not sure if anyone else shares the opinion, but the “feel” of the aux switch is a bit off putting. While they look just like the real switches, the rocker action is much stiffer, and noticeable louder. I assume the volume is due to the housing being mostly empty compared to the full switch? The whole switch just feels hollow, and not to the same standard as the Red 2-1’s I’m hooking them to.

I had planned to install some in my multi way situations, but I don’t think they will meet the threshold for wife acceptance.

If you ever do a revision, my suggestion would be to try to get closer to the feel of the real switch, which feel awesome.