Black Series Dimmer - No Neutral 3 Way Wiring

I mean to say “I” didn’t draw it out . . . :woozy_face:

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Well, I was optimistic, but no dice. The Inovelli switch is working properly and I confirmed the programming. I’ve included an updated photo to confirm I followed the instructions properly.

This might be wild to think, but is it possible the add-on switch is faulty?

How did you manage the settings on the switch? There’s been a lot of people who were not able to set the parameters (21 and 22) to the correct settings from the front and needed to do it with the hub.

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I followed these instructions and it seemed to be successful.

I’m running Home Assistant - I can pair it up and see if I can get it to work that way.

Agreed. Setting parameters at the switch does not always seem to work.

Updating with HA is going to be a bit of a project - I’ll report back once I try that route

Try tapping up twice for parameters 22 (13 front switch). The selection should be two.

0 - Load only
1 - 3 way dumb
2 - 3 way momentary

@mjanofsky James is correct. The instructions you followed contain an error in the writeup. It should be up 2x to program for an Aux switch.

You might want to thy the manual programming again if HA is going to be a problem in the short term.

Manual programming worked! Thanks to both of you! Appreciate all of the help.


Side note - have you ever seen strange behavior of other Inovelli switches on the same circuit? I have a Red Dimmer and a Black dimmer that both seem to need to be held up to turn on/down to turn off and don’t seem to dim properly anymore. This seems too weird to be a coincidence

I haven’t. I have a number of switches/dimmers that co-exist on the same circuit without issue. I don’t know HA, but from discussions here, they are constantly pushing out new things, so perhaps some settings changed.

Definitely have not seen that.

I’ll have to do some troubleshooting. I don’t think it’s HA because it seemed to coincide with installing this switch. That’s a job for tomorrow me.

I know exactly what you’re talking about. If the dimmer isn’t fully on or off and you tap the paddle up/down nothing happens. I recommend you hold paddle up to full brightness then tap down and it should dim to off. A feature request was submitted to turn the light on fully if it’s partially dimmed on and up is pressed. Currently this does nothing.

This is helpful to know, thanks! The other weird thing is that both of my other dimmers are either 100% on or off now (when controlling from the switch itself). Almost thinking I might need a bypass on these other lights as well, I’ll need to calculate the wattage. Just strange that they worked normally before and don’t now.

Check parameter and 3 and 4. They control local and zwave ramp rate. 0= instant on, ie no dimming. You might also have smart bulb mode enabled (param 52).

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Turns out some of my settings were just a mess (one switch wasn’t set for no neutral, another had max dimming to 57%). This was the push I needed to upgrade HA and start using ZwaveJS.

Thanks again!


Another convert! Welcome!