Blue 2-1 Default Dimmer Level

@Bry Ok, done. The problem persists after a factory restore too. I think this is the scaling issue. Tagging @EricM_Inovelli for help.

When I adjust default parameters 13 and 14 manually. In device settings, the settings seem to stick and work. However, when using smartthings routine to set the default levels (for example set a different default level at night vs during the day), the values seem to be scaled down. So in the example below if I set default level to 99 during the day, when I turn on the light it actually keeps defaulting to 39. If I set to a lower default, it goes to something lower… (around 40% of what the value should be). So it appears that the scaling of default level when set by routine is not correct. Can this be corrected? Ty

Thanks for the heads up, I will check it out right now. Probably missed the scaling in the method used by the capability.


Ok, I think I have it fixed. When you get the latest prod driver please give it a test and let me know.

@EricM_Inovelli It seems not. I just pulled 8.11.2023 driver update below and I am still seeing default level being set to 39, despite triggering routine that should have set it to 99. Any other ideas? Ty

@EricM_Inovelli Just checking in. Is there anything (logs etc.) I can provide that might help?

Sorry, I do think I see the problem. Went to fix it last week and got pulled away on something else. I’ll push the update tomorrow.

Note: can you check your driver date to see if I pushed it Friday?

@EricM_Inovelli Yes the latest is from last Friday, below Aug 11.

Thanks, I was unsure if I had pushed it to prod because my beta version had the change in it.

I just pushed a new version. Hopefully this will fix it but let me know. It might take a bit for your hub to update.

Perfect thanks. Works like a charm now!

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