In all seriousness, on Hubitat I was able to add the z wave usb as if I was adding another z wave device. Start incision on your hub. On the PC Controller, once you have the usb connected to the program (config, refresh devices, click) then select NEtwork management, select learn more, select NWI. I’d recommend being close to you hub. Then once it joins you’ll see a list of nodes populate.
Yep, that is the key right there. You start a regular Z-Wave inclusion in SmartThings then click learn in PC Controller. I usually just use classic learn mode, but I suppose NWI would work too.
Since your switch is probably using security you will need to select the switch and then click the “Node Info” button. Make sure not to mess around with other stuff as to not mess up your network.
I decided to flash 3 of mine yesterday. All are working like expected except for 1. I’m positive I flashed target 0 and target 1, but with one switch I set a notification, and if I turn the light on, the notification does not come back. The other 2 work as expected. I guess I will try to flash it again? It works in other aspects, zwave commands, etc…
I just flashed it again and it worked, maybe I didn’t do the .bin and I thought I did or maybe it failed and I didn’t see the message and needed to do it again, who knows
I’ve done about a dozen firmware upgrades in PC controller. For some reason, the bin does not always update, even though it reports success. The only way to verify is to watch the progress of the upload.
Can someone @Inovelli share the plans for GA version of this FW please? It fixes the issues I ran into, yet upgrading all switches takes quite a bit of time when doing a dozen one by one… if GA is coming soon I could take a shortcut to GA. Thx
Just noticed this on the Classic App on my Dimmer, sweet! Been busy chasing other issues noticed the LED the wrong color thought now what, lol. Looking forward to where this will go. 20200511_160423|243x500
@yxo@lwb Sorry for the delay on the release of GA. Our firmware team that works on the dimmer also works on our fan+light that will be released shortly so it has been tough for them to work on both projects at the same time. I have version 1.43 of the firmware that had all the bug fixes and improvements that I found with 1.41, but some people have reported some light flickering with 1.41+. So we are likely going to be waiting on 1.44 after the fan+light is released.
If I had to give you a timeline I would guess that the dimmer firmware will be wrapped up by the end of May.
Unfortunately I don’t think there is a way to do a non-secure inclusion in SmartThings. You could try to move your hub so that the switch is on the edge of z-wave range and it may fail secure inclusion and downgrade.
That worked, thanks! Too bad I used the New app to include most of my existing switches… d’oh!
I wonder if I can use the Classic app to Replace a switch with itself and pair back at S0 instead of S2
Yeah, it’s super janky… I did the same thing if it makes you feel any better. I wanted to Associate my switches with Ilumin bulbs and the switches were all at S2, whereas the bulbs were at S0… fun times having to exclude/remove all my switches… ugh…
Let me know about the replace trick, that would be sweet if it works.
Many of us have updated successfully without updating the BIN file. Also, I believe @EricM_Inovelli tried to find out if there is actually any code changes in the new .BIN versions released with the latest updates but didn’t have luck.
To answer your question, it is safe to not flash the bin file and only the otz file. Most people do not notice the difference except for the latest Holtek firmware updates seem to cause some bulbs to flicker.
Can you provide a bit more clarity here? Which .bin file is recommended? I’ve seen three versions:
And is there way to see which bin version is currently flashed in the switch itself? (I know how to see the .otz version in SmartThings IDE or the Z-Wave PC Controller, but don’t know about the .bin version)
P.S. I tested loading v1.38 bin file into target 1 of a switch that was experiencing bulb flicker with v1.36.
V1.38 seems to have fixed the flicker, however, the switch now buzzes when set to a low dimming level. This is new. NONE of my other Inovelli dimmer switches buzz (and none of the others have been updated with v1.38 yet)
The recommended version is the latest version included with the 1.44 update (Holtek v1.39). There is no way to tell which version your switch has if you have flashed it with a bin and forgotten which one you used. v1.34 is what initially came with the dimmer.
As for the buzzing, what is the load that is connected? I see you mentioned 1.38, but 1.39 is the latest for the bin. Maybe a typo?
Also, can you try downgrading to the version you were previously on to see if the buzzing stops?