Maybe a home built sensor that was connected somehow to a switch, so that a light would turn on when a door was openned?
Iris motion sensor
logitech harmony remote?
Automated dog food dispenser.
A z-wave remote connected to a few switches or outlets?
A fitness tracker like Fitbit Flex?
Insteon outdoor plug (holiday lights control)?
Given the year, maybe something by Lutron?
Raspberry Pi. To get specific, I’ll guess that it was a soil moisture sensor, to report when a plant needed to be watered.
I’ll guess a RPI loaded with home assistant since that was the year it was released.
New hint - the product has something to do with what we specialize in today.
Given the new hint, let’s bring the brand back into the guesses.
So, guess brand + product.
If no one gets it, I’ll give more hints every day.
But I bet based on that hint, someone will get it. If not for sure tomorrow after the next hint!
As usual after every hint, if you’ve already guessed today, you can guess again.
Based on the latest clue, I’ll guess a GE/Jasco Z-Wave Switch
Aeotech -Z-Wave Plus stick
Lutron caseta switch
Leviton Decora switch
GreenWave Reality - smart light bulb
Almond Router
Insteon bulb
Insteon wall switch