That is really strange, because I was told that the bug that was fixed was only possible on the dimmer. I’ll have to check if there is possibly something else on the switch. You might want to tweak the energy / power report thresholds to see if it makes any difference.
Based on your log it looks like S2 encryption, is that correct, and for all switches? What zwave stick are you currently using? Also please report your findings for the Nortek, I’m not experiencing issues since switching but having more data I’m an gooey help others.
Thank you for a quick response! I’m using Zooz 700 series USB stick. And yes, it looked like S2 encryption failing somewhere(?). After reflashing the newest version today I hard reset the controller, pulled the air gap on all the nodes, did a factory reset and then re-added them with Smart Start one-by-one (before I had these errors without SS, so thought maybe I messed up somewhere with the DSKs).
All nodes enrolled fine and keys are 100% correct. But these errors cause larger scenes to freeze by over 30 seconds. (All lights off is a good example). I hope a different stick will solve it.
Also for the record at the moment there are no 3-way associations set up as all the switches were factory reset. Connection level on all the switches is green and when it works it is instant (no re-transmission). The new stick should arrive on Monday, I’ll report the progress once I re-setup my ~20 nodes again (sic!).
Thanks for sharing the details! I ran all my switches with my zooz stick without encryption and definitely saw similar issues. I haven’t attempted the latest firmware that has the potential fix yet but switching to the Nortek stick greatly improved/resolved my issues personally. Just for reference I’m running no encryption on this stick either.
This does not seem like the same issue. For the previous reports don’t believe the message in the logs was related to S2 and didn’t mention the error you see. It will be interesting to see what the new controller does.
With the new controller the issue disappeared completely. Events are communicated near instantly across the mesh. I’ve noticed that Nortek connects to a lot more nodes directly, reducing the leg-count.
Holy crap. I think this is the thread I’ve been looking for and never knew existed. It was quite a read. Thank you @kelchm@flipontheradio and of course the Erics.
So my story begins with a Zooz 500 stick and a slew of Zooz dimmers/switches (over a dozen) and some light groups (one with 3 and one with 5) and the dreaded message from Google (sorry I could not blah…) but it did switch the lights okay but not quickly and reporting was just too slow for google’s tastes. Also mass events (turn off all lights) would lag the whole system so badly that new commands would be in purgatory for a minute or two before happening.
Then I bought a 700 stick in an effort to solve my problems and with a clean install of HA and a clean stick I painstakingly reset and included all devices. The problem persisted. Sigh. Now keep in mind I have yet to foray into any Innovelli switches at this point. Barely knew they existed. So I just dealt with it. A co-worker got me convinced to try some red’s and so I did. Set up 6 LZW-31SN’s in my basement to control 3 actual loads so each light has a virtual 3-way additional switch. I think I need to check to make sure I’m not creating loops. What exactly is parameter 12 supposed to be set to on the slave vs the master (load connected)?
Recently with the addition of the reds things have only gotten worse with devices sometimes going dead and coming back with a ping sometimes and sometimes not coming back. Pulling the air gap to reboot them seems to bring them back to life. Both the zooz and reds are having this issue. Always seems to be the same 4 or 5 switches though.
Anyway, it was the storm of duplicate invalid payload messages that brought me here. I don’t see evidence of an association loop just those invalid payload storms but frankly i’m not sure what that would look like in the debug logs. That said, it’s looking like there is some serious flaw going on with the zooz sticks (and possibly the Aoetec Gen5 as someone else mentioned) as my real problems started long before I got the Innovelli’s and setup any virtual 3-ways. I might have made things worse with the association groups but ultimately I’ve had issues with large-ish light groups long before that. All my red’s are already on 1.57 but again problems were around before the reds so…
Is the final verdict that the nortek stick is the answer to all my prayers? Because at this point i’d buy 10 of them if it fixed my problems. Has anyone got any insight into why and if zooz has any plans to fix their controllers? Do I ask too many questions?
The Nortek has definitely resolved my issues. I haven’t had a chance to try the latest firmware “fix” that Inovelli has released but I intend to upgrade over the holidays hopefully. As far as Zooz releasing a fix, someone smarter than me probably has a better answer but I’m not sure it can be fixed. Zwave is a standard and I know Inovelli has had a few of their firmwares certified and I would imagine the zooz 700 stick is certified. If the zwave alliance has signed off on the implementation and issues occur then wouldn’t that mean there is a problem with the standard? Plus they have already announced the 800 series zwave chip which seems fast to me. Ok I’m taking off my tin foil hat.
Well, I would assume the Nortek stick is also certified for what that’s apparently worth. Do you know what I need to set for the parameter 12 on the virtual 3-way configuration to prevent the looping they talked about?
It depends on whether you have associations set up both ways (slave → master and master → slave) or only one way (slave → master). The advantage of the master → slave association is to keep the state of the dimmer bar on the slave switch in sync with the load.
What is critical is to ensure that a single command doesn’t loop back and forth and back and forth. That will happen if you have associations set up in both directions AND the “zwave” bit (4) is set to on in parameter 12 on both the switches.
Parameter 12 is a bitmask. It’s a way of encoding several (in this case 4) on/off toggles into a single number via binary arithmetic. The toggles are:
1: local
2: 3 way
4: z-wave
8: timer
For each of those four command sources you want to send a zwave command to the associated device, add the corresponding number. So if you want local and 3-way but not zwave and not timer you get 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 = 3, and you’d set the parameter to 3.
I have mine set to 1 on the slave and 15 on the master, because there’s no 3-way connected to the slave and I don’t have any intention of using the timer on the slave.
You know, I’ve always though my Zwave networks were way slower than they should be. I’m using 2 Aeotec sticks at 2 different sites right now. Mostly it works, but if you push multiple commands it lags badly. I don’t use any security on any device. The Nortek one everyone likes is the HUSBZB-1, right?
There are lots of slang names for these things so someone saying Zooz stick might not be referring to the same one as someone else is using.
I believe someone in this thread has seen the issue with all of these sticks??
Zooz ZST10 - this one seems to be the worst offender, but it appears that ZST10 is the name for stick with both 500 and 700 series chips.
Yes I am doing the association both ways Master <-> Slave for exactly the reason you said to keep the LEDs in sync.
And I don’t need to speak binary (but I am a systems engineer by trade so I know exactly what you mean) because HA w/ ZwaveJS breaks it down for me:
So basically I only need the “local” toggled on on the slaves and everything default on the masters (all on). I think my confusion arose from my lack of understanding of what “Association Behavior” actually means in this context but I think I get it now. It means only the local button pushes get transmitted to the associated switch. Not that only the local load gets switched nor does it mean anything pertaining to receiving zwave info from an associated partner.
I believe it’s the only Nortek controller around but yes it was specifically called out by the HUSBZB-1 model name further up in the thread. It’s aka GoControl and has a Zigbee radio on it also. This is what I ordered. I think the Nortek controller issues were mentioned in regards to Hubitat and the person qualified their statements with saying that the problem was possibly not the controller but Hubitat or something else. I’d have to dig back through this thread and I don’t have the time right this second.
My Nortek won’t come in for at least a week but I’m going to install a fresh copy of HA on a new fanless mini-pc thing I bought and stick this new Nortek in it. I may or may not bring over a backup of HA core (probably not) but I will definitely start my zwave off with a fresh slate. Exclude or reset all devices and include on the Nortek. Going to try to get them all to come in as S2_Unauthenticated as I hear from people that S2 is less chatty and all around faster.
Sorry about all the lingo but yes the Zooz sticks being referred to are the ZST10-500 and ZST10-700. I have one of each now because I bought the 700 in an unsuccessful attempt to fix my issues with the poor response on large-ish (3 or more) light groups. Early on in this thread there were several who also went down the same path as me and one person I think who had an Aeotec Gen-5 and was having issues. You’d have to ask them if that corresponds to the model numbers you are finding if it’s not detailed in their post.
I ask because a co-worker of mine is in the same boat as me trying to get virtual 3-way dimmers working with the reds and he read elsewhere in this forum to do “Master dimmer added to group 2 and group 4 of slave” and “Slave dimmer added to group 3 of master dimmer”. He says its working perfectly and he did not mess with param 12. I have yet to test this here. I suppose since he has no overlap he has no loop issue.
Yeah I’m still plagued with a slow network (albeit better after the dimmer firmware fix) where my goodnight script that turns off a bunch of devices almost always fails. Not all of the devices are Inovelli so I’m thinking it’s my Zooz ZST10-700 controller. I’m hesitant to go with the Nortek as it’s a 500 series controller, but I haven’t heard of an equivalent 700-series controller that has the same raving reliability reviews. That and I’ve over 80 devices on my network to exclude and re-add if I change controller
Only input I have is that my Nortek HUZBZBZBZB-1 or whatever is lightning fast and I’ve had steady, solid reliability for over a year at this point, now using HA/ZwaveJS Integration/ZwaveJS2MQTT.
Yes, it’s 500 series, but that and unsecure pairings (minus security items) have my home working quite literally instantly.
Right now, I found a possible source for the Nortek at $75. It’s not available in many places and reportedly is obsoleted so it will be disappearing. I didn’t want to spend the money, but I think I’ll put an order in and hope I get it and hope it works better and is worth it. Others are having the best luck with it and it seems like the only USB stick solution for sketchy zwave network operation right now.