LZW45 (light strip) drivers for home assistant?

Yes, I think this is the reason. It’s not a bad thing, its just that it needs to be accounted for.

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So as not to screw up my stick, I just killed the JS server and integration for now and am waiting for it to get figured out. I have to assume in a few weeks this will all be sorted.

FWIW my LZW45 works fine for a single turn on and turn off, then it doesn’t work after that. I haven’t tried setting the Quick Effects, Custom Effects, or Pixel Effects but I would assume they would work. You just wouldn’t get feedback in HA.

Quick Effects, Custom Effects, or Pixel Effects won’t work until set_config_parameter is built in as a service, which is coming soon.

The Fan/light switch didnt show up properly in HA, but it shows up just fine in zwavejs2mqtt. I just set the fan up as a mqtt_fan and everything is working

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Interesting, do you have a dump for the device?

Interesting. Mine showed up just fine in JS (As Inovelli LZW36) but it kept looking the config like you were showing above. Basically it would get the node info for both endpoints, then determine that the node was dead, then start all over again. I think I let it go through 15/5 iterations (haha) and finally just called it for a day 1 integration and posted up for some config help from EricM.

Edit: where do I find logs for this? I can send/PM/Message if that would help. @petro can include you too if interested.

I get the dumps from my dev container. You need to have python and zwave_js_server installed, then execute the following command:

python3 -m zwave_js_server ws://localhost:3000 --dump-state

Here is what I pulled (its not the full dump, but just the section for the LZW36). I can post the full dump if needed.

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Welp this is out of my league. I’m running Supervised Hass.io via Linux VM on unraid on a server. Whats the best level/software to install? Python didn’t give me anything inside of HA supervisor add-on’s.

Mine on first observation doesn’t look any different than @jtronicus paste, except for my logs are iterating calling the node dead and looping the configuration over and over again.

You can install python on anything, the command connects to the server, it doesn’t need to be on the same machine.

If you are just looking for the dump file, you should be able to go to HA configuration → Integrations → ZWave JS → Configure → Download

This is all above my pay-grade, but I can try to help get answers for you and/or put you in touch with the right people.

I’ll send you three a PM to get this squared away!

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This is something unique about 700 series devices. The parameters can be pulled with all of their information (even a description and name) from the device itself. You query parameter 0 and it gives you the first parameter number. The first parameter includes the information for the next parameter number and so on. This is if you have non-consecutive parameter numbers (i.e. 1,4,50,etc.) you know exactly which numbers to query.

Anyway, this may have something to do with why it gets caught in a loop here.

I think you might be on to something. In the logs, once it finishes querying parameter 51, it attempts to query parameter 240 (which doesnt seem to exist). From there, it goes back to parameter 1.

22:17:20.844 CNTRLR » [Node 041] querying parameter #51 information...
22:17:20.958 CNTRLR « [Node 041] received information for parameter #51:
                      parameter name:      Button Delay
                      value format:        UnsignedInteger
                      value size:          1 bytes
                      min value:           0
                      max value:           1
                      default value:       1
                      is read-only:        false
                      is advanced (UI):    false
                      has bulk support:    false
                      alters capabilities: false
22:17:20.958 CNTRLR » [Node 041] querying parameter #51 value...
22:17:20.994 CNTRLR » [Node 041] querying parameter #240 information...
22:17:21.030 CNTRLR « [Node 041] Parameter #240 is unsupported. Next parameter: 1
22:17:21.030 CNTRLR » [Node 041] querying parameter #1 information...
22:17:21.151 CNTRLR « [Node 041] received information for parameter #1:
                      parameter name:      Number of Pixels
                      value format:        UnsignedInteger
                      value size:          1 bytes
                      min value:           0
                      max value:           130
                      default value:       0
                      is read-only:        false
                      is advanced (UI):    false
                      has bulk support:    false
                      alters capabilities: false
22:17:21.151 CNTRLR » [Node 041] querying parameter #1 value...

Could this be a firmware issue? What value is supposed to be received when the final parameter is queried?

Edit: Looking at zwave traffic, I can see that parameter 51 (0x0033) is reporting the Next Parameter Number of 240 (0x00F0). According to what I found in the zwave specs, it should be reporting a value of 0 (0x0000) when the last parameter is queried.

Parameter 240 identifies that the Next Parameter Number is Parameter 1, which appears to cause the infinite loop.


Did you guys get any further on the LZW45 config file for Z Wave JS?

I’m working on it atm. Probably going to be a day or 2, took me a bit to get node-zwave-js working on windows. Also, trying to understand & implement the partial config parameters for the config file.

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PR for the new fix


@petro i am trying to red through that and its all gibberish to me. And is AlCalzone proof reading every config file? I mean hes picking it apart (not that thats bad); but how does he have the time to do that for every file??

Either way, thank you!

This had been confirmed and will be fixed in a future firmware release. As for now it looks like there is a PR to work around it:

The parameter names are actually stored on the device on the LZW45. There is a chance that once the infinite loop issue is fixed, you can be able to see the parameters even without a config file.