When you say status report delay, are you referring to sending the status back to the hub at button released (instead of when pressed) or are you saying there’s also a waiting period after sending the status at button release?
When you say status report delay, are you referring to sending the status back to the hub at button released (instead of when pressed) or are you saying there’s also a waiting period after sending the status at button release?
I am new here and to Smart home stuff and just getting started on the switch for the house. invelli Switches on order. (other switches on hand)
So are the switches both Black and Red now faster than <.5 seconds ON/OFF?
or would I have to program that?
I have SmartThings but like I said starting off so should I get Hubitat? I am new so not sure if it would be too much for a newbie. But if that gets rid of the delay maybe worth the learning curve.
Hey, welcome to the Home Automation addiction hobby! Happy to have you here
The new ones that are coming in will have the updated firmware where you can choose to select the instant (<.5 sec) on/off. It will be built into the SmartThings device handler that you can install located here: Knowledge Base Redirect – Inovelli
In terms of ST vs Hubitat, the hub will not affect the 0.5 sec delay, either hub will give you the setting once you install the handler/driver. They both have their pros/cons – ST has a great UI, backed by Samsung and is pretty open with the devices it supports. Hubitat’s UI is kinda rough right now, but they’re improving, but what they have going for them is local control on everything (vs ST’s cloud/local mix). Both have great communities and both are used by our staff in our own homes. Happy to answer any specific questions about either platform!
Sorry, I mean the delay that occurs because we are sending reports on button released rather than on button pressed.
If the button release occurs within 700ms then a central scene for button press and a level or on/off report is sent after the release. If the button release occurs after 700ms then a central scene for held is sent at 700ms and & central scene released / a level or on/off report is sent on button release.
This usually results in the reports being sent super fast because a user usually presses and releases the button within 100 or 200ms (this is just a guess, but it is super fast).
It’s so close to perfect. Why not a config that disables any of these for a truly instant experience if needed? Mine sends the report after a short delay even after I release the button.
The use case is having a single switch control multiple lights, which is pretty common. I have 2 Wi-Fi smart switches that use MQTT to communicate, and they are very good at almost instantaneous communication between each other. You toggle one switch, the other one also gets toggled.
The two Inovelli Red switches, while they’ve benefited from this firmware update so they instantly toggle their respective lights, still take their sweet time (relatively) toggling their partner switch across the room due to them waiting for the second press that’s never going to come. @EricM_Inovelli
Inovelli Red switch response: https://streamable.com/jwapmp
W-Fi switch response: https://streamable.com/39ysh7
In the video are you having your HA system turn on a second light based on the report that the first light has turned on?
Hey @EricM_Inovelli, I was intrigued by that so I tested it, and I’ve found that when I directly associate another Z-Wave switch with the Inovelli switch, the second Z-Wave switch turns on faster than the ones in the video, which are indeed controlled by HA. This is actually good news, unless you’re doing slightly more complex automation, and mostly answers my problem (which wasn’t on your end!). It’s not instant like the Zooz switches, but pretty close. Though a config option for totally instantaneity couldn’t hurt!
Do you know why relaying that Z-Wave info to HA takes longer? Do you think it’s an HA-specific implementation delay? The other video where I showed the instantaneous reaction of Wi-Fi switches is also through HA automations, but doesn’t have that delay.
It could be a couple things but one thing to check is if the device was included with security. S0 security can really slow down some Home Assistant installations. I would probably do a non-secure inclusion in HA by default if you aren’t already doing that.
Yeah, it’s non-secure already
I’ll admit, I wasn’t sure that turning off this delay would make much of a perceptual difference either, but it really does. So, while I’ll definitely not be using it on a couple of well-positioned switches that scenes will be useful on, for the majority of the switches that really don’t need to be scene controllers this is a fantastic option to have.
Thank you for providing this level of flexibility and customization for the very real and often used hardware interfaces to this smart stuff.
I would love to see the ability have button commands (e.g. button up x2) assigned to turn the device on/off at certain levels. Kind of like preset dimmer levels. That way a single press could be full off/full one and then multiple presses can take you to a fixed level. I know its possible today with a hub and scene, but it would ideal if the switch could handle all of this locally.
I posted more information on the Homeseer for LED Control of the Inovelli Red Serier ON/OFF Swich, if anyone is still having problems with this. I am sure this works for Red Series Dimmers too! Look for post by me DaleRS on Honeseer.
Thanks for you post @EricM_Inovelli - Love your switches!