Same experience here. Non-neutral setup, LED fixture rated at 24W. Anything above 73% will cause the switch to reboot. On the latest firmware: v1.48 (Beta) for LZW31-SN.
Smart bulb mode (or otherwise setting the dimmer to 100% aka 99 in ZWave) with a non-neutral wiring configuration with any loads less than 50W causes a boot loop here too. I thoroughly tested today using 1.52 firmware dimmers.
I suspect that this is a hardware limitation based on how power stealing is implemented. Seeing the oscilloscope traces (from the other thread about “smoothness”) nearly confirms my suspicions. I highly doubt these dimmers will function reliably with low wattage loads or with any amount of smart bulbs (due to how they sip power at low intensities) without a neutral wire.
I hope I’m wrong and your manufacturer can make some firmware adjustments for this. But otherwise it’s the boot-loop-of-death and I have to suspect additionally that such a boot loop could kill the MOSFET inside the dimmer after some extended use.
What would be better is to add to some future hardware a relay that bypasses the dimmer switching entirely when smart bulb mode is engaged. This too would require a neutral wire or some other more ingenious way of stealing power from the line along the way to the bulbs.
Same behavior as of 4/12/2021 - I’ve lost 3 days and 75% of my Wife Equity (now at -150%) due to this ‘known issue’.
I have the same problem with a boot loop with a Black Dimmer without a neutral line in the switch box. I have a LUT-MLC bypass installed in the junction box, and two 60-watt equivalent Phillips bulbs in the fixture.