Eric - thank you for jumping in here. I would stick with PJF’s summary. I do not have the equipment to give you an exact measure and my knowledge of what would influence that measure is also questionable at best. Just for clarification, I have been using multiple meters (plug in vs. multimeter) which were providing different results. The question below from PJF should avoid any confusion from the differing measures.
The switch uses a relay. A relay is a contact that is closed or open. If the relay contact is open then there should be no connection between the line and load terminals inside the switch.
So, the question to ask is if there is a component or circuit connected between the line and load inside the switch. If so, what is it and how much current would it cause to leak from the line to the load.
If this were a simple relay-only device that would be true, but I suspect the Inovelli has sensor connections to the load side even when the relay is off. I was seeing 0.05mA at 11VAC in the off position, which is an absolutely tiny amount of power to sink, but enough to barely illuminate 48 LED string lights.