Two LZW31-SN in three-way using associations - LED sync

I’ll defer to @EricM_Inovelli on this one. The problem we face is that there is limited memory to work with on the switches as we had to use an additional MCU to handle the current dimmers.

We may be able to add this to an alternate firmware Eric’s working on with the manufacturer, but I can’t remember what’s all on that list.

Is there a resource that shows exactly what each Group is for (1, 2, 3, etc)? I recently setup my 3-way exactly this way and it works beautifully. I’m trying to replicate this for a 4-way setup but don’t have enough knowledge of Groups.

As @Chris mentioned you can do this by associating the two dimmers to each other with group 3 & 4. Make sure you set parameter 12 to 11 on one of them so that you don’t create an association loop.

@Nope The manual has a description of the association groups for our devices.


I am curious what is parameter 12? Is there a list of the parameters and the possible values? I don’t see this in the manual or the changelogs for the firmware.

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P12 is ‘association behavior’. It’s only been documented (that I can find) on the Z-Wave Alliance site.

For quick reference:

When should the switch send commands to associated devices?

01 - local
02 - 3way
03 - 3way & local
04 - z-wave hub
05 - z-wave hub & local
06 - z-wave hub & 3-way
07 - z-wave hub & local & 3way
08 - timer
09 - timer & local
10 - timer & 3-way
11 - timer & 3-way & local
12 - timer & z-wave hub
13 - timer & z-wave hub & local
14 - timer & z-wave hub & 3-way
15 - all


I just wanted to follow up on this to confirm that all works as expected. I now have two different three way circuits setup with associations as described here, one with 2x LZW31-SN and the other with a LZW31-SN and LZW31.

By the way @EricM_Inovelli, given the discussion above and my experience the documentation here is misleading. Specifically this section:

Non-Synced LED Bars: The LED Bars will not be in sync with one another – this is more prominent on the dimmer as it will not show the correct level.

Honestly this was part of the reason that I held off on investing in any of the Inovelli switches. I’m glad to find out that it works as expected with the group 3/4 associations – I really hate mismatched switches.


Thanks for pointing this out. The documentation does need to be updated.

Is it possible to use 3 LZW31-SN in a 4-way setup and configure them all to stay in sync? I currently using a single LZW31-SN and 2 GE Aux switches for the 4-way.


I was having troubles with associations between my switch and bulbs earlier this week. By chance based on this thread is there some tips to improve this article as well? Knowledge Base Redirect – Inovelli

What is group 3?
Is P12 change always required for all associations?

Can a how to/video be created for how to set up associated Inovelli products with each other, proving there is no better duo :stuck_out_tongue:

@kelchm and @dvellek - thanks for the push guys, I put it on my calendar to update this tomorrow!

Edit: Thursday lol


Glad I found this thread. I’m sitting here trying desperately to decide between the Red Series Dimmers and the currently-on-sale HomeSeer HS-WD200+ dimmers for my basement remodel.

Your documentation at Knowledge Base Redirect – Inovelli still reports that it’s not possible to sync the LEDs on your dimmers. If that could be formally updated, it would help me make a more informed decision for my purchase!

In terms of updating documentation for, Knowledge Base Redirect – Inovelli, here is how I just set it up but I am still missing once piece so this post is mostly to confirm I made it this far correctly (if so, my post helps others understand) and to get the final improvement I am looking for.

Hallway Dimmer Load (switch A from the wiring diagram)
1 - Installed according to diagram and added to Habitat while ensuring security is at S0
2 - Association Behavior When… = 11
3 - Did NOT set a value for Switch Type
4 - Personal preferences (ramp rate =0, Min level = 39, state after power restored = 100)

Hallway Dimmer (switch B from the wiring diagram) (will be the device I add to google for voice commands)
1 - Installed according to diagram and added to Habitat while ensuring security is at S0
2 - Did NOT set a value for Switch Type
3 - Personal preferences (ramp rate =0, Min level = 39, state after power restored = 100)

Associations (some documentation say 2 comments say 3 so I did them both to be safe)
1 - Source Hallway Dimmer, Destination Hallway Dimmer Load, Group 2
2 - Source Hallway Dimmer, Destination Hallway Dimmer Load, Group 3
3 - Source Hallway Dimmer, Destination Hallway Dimmer Load, Group 4

I am happy to report with these instructions everything is working as expected when physically/google using hallway dimmer (lights work and hallway dimmer load LED is completely synced)

Only missing piece I have is when I physically use Hallway Dimmer Load the LED for hallway dimmer is not synced. Understanding slave/master associations I can understand this, but what is the workaround to get them to be synced when using the load dimmer (totally fine if needs a rule)

Thanks for pointing this out! Let me connect with @EricM_Inovelli and we’ll get it updated :slight_smile:

Also, thanks @dvellek for writing these out, very helpful!


Documentation at Knowledge Base Redirect – Inovelli still says:

The main drawback is probably that the “slave” (non-load) switch doesn’t show the other switches level, but you can make that less annoying by turning the switch off or to 99% and disabling the relay.

I really want to pull the trigger on these, but I’m waiting for official confirmation in your documentation that I can correctly sync the LEDs.

Looking at your notes, it sounds like you only set up the associations in one direction. You need to create the associations in both directions in order for things to stay in sync.

By the way, there’s no need to use group 2 associations at all – those are for the ‘basic set’ which is something of a legacy type of association at this point. Group 3 and 4 are all that are needed.

Despite the lack of updates to the documentation it definitely works as expected with LZW-31/LZW-31SN. At this point I have four different circuits setup with associations and everything syncs as expected.

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I just spent a ton of time today getting this to work with SmartThings. Writeup below.

TL;DR: It works!


  1. Wired two LZW-31SN Red Dimmers per “3-Way Installation (Using Two Inovelli Switches)”, using “Line/Load in Separate Boxes (Neutral Wire Setup)”.
  2. Added both devices to SmartThings as “Living Room - Line” and “Living Room - Load”
  3. SmartThings auto-assigned a device handler of “Inovelli Dimmer”. This handler DOES NOT WORK with the Z-Wave Association Tool. When configuring this device handler, SmartThings reports a “network error” but the real error shows up in Live Logs:
78839f6a-0881-41c3-8c3e-cbe2e1a1b927 12:14:05 PM: error error executing uninstalled method on Living Room - Load Association Group 3: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Command 'setAssociationGroup' is not supported by device 9bebc330-cf1c-44e0-a1d1-83fb0528f60d of type 'Inovelli Dimmer'. Supported commands: [on, off, configure, setLevel, refresh, resetEnergyMeter, ping]
78839f6a-0881-41c3-8c3e-cbe2e1a1b927 12:14:05 PM: error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Command 'setAssociationGroup' is not supported by device 9bebc330-cf1c-44e0-a1d1-83fb0528f60d of type 'Inovelli Dimmer'. Supported commands: [on, off, configure, setLevel, refresh, resetEnergyMeter, ping] @line 72 (initialize)
  1. Installed the custom device handler and configured both devices to use it.
  2. Installed the Z-Wave Association Tool


Device Setting Value Notes
Living Room - Line Association Behavior 11 Prevents race condition/loop behavior where switches “fight” each other.
Living Room - Line Switch Type 3-way Momentary May be unnecessary?
Living Room - Load Switch Type 3-way Momentary

Z-Wave Association Tool

Source Destination Group
Living Room - Line Living Room - Load 3
Living Room - Line Living Room - Load 4
Living Room - Load Living Room - Line 3
Living Room - Load Living Room - Line 4

Other unrelated settings that I liked

Setting Value
Dimming Speed 1
Ramp Rate 0
Ramp Rate (From Switch) 0
Disable Physical On/Off Delay Yes

Awesome, thanks for testing this! Is there a way you could shoot a quick video? I’d like to link to it in this thread if possible.

In your use-case, have you found it to be reliable?

I just got a 4-way setup working in Hubitat today as well! Copying @xuor’s great writeup here is what I did:


  1. Wired three LZW-31SN Red Dimmers per “4-Way Installation (Using Two Inovelli Switches)”, using “Line/Load in Separate Boxes (Neutral Wire Setup)”.
  2. Installed the LZW-31SN Driver in Hubitat
  3. Added the devices to Hubitat as “Basement Hall Light”, “Basement Hall Light - 4-way middle”, and “Basement Hall Light - 4-way end”
  4. Installed the Z-Wave Association Tool via Hubitat Package Manager.


Device Setting Value Notes
ALL Association Behavior 11 Prevents race condition/loop behavior where switches “fight” each other.

Z-Wave Association Tool

Capability is Switch / Dimmer / Bulb for all of these.

Source Destination(s) Group(s)
Basement Hall Light Basement Hall Light - 4-way middle, Basement Hall Light - 4-way end 2, 3, 4
Basement Hall Light - 4-way middle Basement Hall Light, Basement Hall Light - 4-way end 2, 3, 4
Basement Hall Light - 4-way end Basement Hall Light - 4-way middle, Basement Hall Light 2, 3, 4

This ends up with 9 total entries in the associations app. Maybe someday when I get time a fork of this app that can handle this specific case without having to configure N^2 child apps would be handy. I have A LOT of 3-way and 4-way switches in my house and it is a lot of clicking right now.

Other unrelated settings that I liked

Setting Value
Dimming Speed 1
Ramp Rate 0
Ramp Rate (From Switch) 0
Disable Physical On/Off Delay Yes

I did NOT set Switch Type on any of the switches. I don’t really understand what it does in this setup or how it changes the behavior of the switches.

It seems reliable but slow. There is a noticeable 1-2 second delay between pressing on/off on one of the non-load switches and the load switch reacting. Holding to dim is reactive enough to be useful. I’m going to let this setup sit for a few weeks before doing any more N-way replacements to see how the family deals with it.

I do wish that Inovelli had a hard-wired non-load dimmer similar to the Leviton DD00R-DL which appears to use the traveler as some sort of communication line between all the non-load dimmers and the main load dimmer.