Zigbee / Matter Motion Switch | Project Linus (Blue Series)

Completion on March 25th? My birthday happens to be the 26th, any chance you’ll overnight me the first ones off the line? :slight_smile:

An overnight from China?! That’ll cost you $3,483.75! :grinning:


Don’t forget to update the product/pre-order page too! Currently still says expected in December 2023 with the caveat that it can change.

Also I would expect the link to go to this forum page, but it just goes to the same product page.

Can you share more info (videos) on this testing? I’m very curious to see how you are looking to potentially solve the ceiling fan issue for mmwave.

At this point, most people’s experience/exposure to mmwave motion sensors is Aqara or home-built ones which tend to have VERY advanced motion sensing software that is extremely configurable and can have detection zones, counting people in a room, etc.

I would suspect that might not be possible with a Zwave/Zigbee specced motion sensor, but are there going to be advanced configuration settings for motion sensing? What are the possibilities? Any cool advanced features you are trying to work into the drivers that would provide some of the Aqara functionality? Or, is this going to be an advanced motion/presense sensor that reports motion/presence in an on/off manner through Zigbee/Zwave specs?