Please post pictures of both of the boxes with all of the conductors pulled out so that we can see all of them and see well into the box. Do you have any pictures of how those conductors work connected to the original switches?
I pulled everything apart and something I did not notice prior was some wires stuff in the back. I’m guessing these capped off wires are the neutrals is that correct?
Pulling out the wires and using the neutral I found in the back helped solve my issue. The other issue is at switch B two of the black wires needed tied together as they create an open circuit.
Switch A
Red - Travler
Load/Line - Blacks
Neutral - White
Switch B
2 black wires tied together
Traveler - Red
Neutral - White
So here’s an assumption: In Switch A photo (the latest one); the BLK wire that is wrapped around the BLK and RED is “typically” the load. Unfortunately, I can’t see the ROMEX to see how it’s split out. I’m not sure why the 2 BLK are tied like how you’re describing in Switch B. I personally wired the 2 BLK wires when I installed the AUX Switch in a Line/Load Separate box install. The load from Switch A would just continue to the load passing through the Switch B box while I utilized RED for Traveler and WHT for Neutral.