I purchase the red series smart dimmer switch (LZW31-SN). I am installing it for a 3 way dimmer switch. I have a switch box (A) in the room with the lighting and a switch box (B) outside the room that controls the lights. The box (B) outside the room has a 3 wire Romex cable with two black wires, a red and a ground.
The switch box (B) in the room has 3 romex cables (2 two wire cables (black, white and ground) and the one three wire cable with two black wires, red, and a ground - the Romex that runs between both switch boxes) NO NEUTRAL WIRE!
My issue is how power is being routed through the switch boxes. My feed coming into the box (B) I’ll call Romex Line (1). This line has the white neutral pigtailed which is normal in a switch box, and the black wire (Hot Line in) pigtailed to one of the black wires going to Box (A) outside the room. Romex Line (2) I believe is what goes to the light fixture. This line (2) has the white pigtailed to Line 1’s white and the Black goes to the Switch Box (B) as what I believe to be the Load wire).
Romex line (3) is what connects the two switch boxes (A) and (B). It has the two black wires, a red, and ground. The one black is pigtailed to the line (1) which supplies the power. The other Black and red wires come from the switch in Box A and are the Travelers to Box B.
My Question. How do I wire the Inovelli switch? The diagrams don’t address this wiring scenario. I think I have and idea but want to make sure I have it correct. I bought a GE Enbright (Add on/ Aux Switch) to help in Box B as I thought it would be needed since there is no neural wire in that box.
Thanks for any help you can provide. I can try and supply a drawing if that helps.