Hey, all. I have a 3-way switch (have neutral, line/load in separate boxes I think), and the box with the always-hot line is downstairs in the less convenient place. I put an LZW30 (black-series on/off) switch in that less convenient place a couple years ago, and left the dumb switch in the other (upstairs) spot. But I’m starting to get annoyed that I don’t have scene control upstairs, so I was thinking of replacing the dumb switch with another smart switch (red 500-series or 700-series on/off).
My question is: If I do this, would I need to rewire the existing black-series switch too? The diagrams seem to imply that I would (comparing https://desk.zoho.com/DocsDisplay?zgId=691830694&mode=inline&blockId=k4wwh5d6bfcdd498a4f65bd232517fc6c61f3 to https://desk.zoho.com/DocsDisplay?zgId=691830694&mode=inline&blockId=k5bzm577b12d333f24125a87897f6fc79e253), but since there’s no single diagram covering this situation (all diagrams imply that you’re starting with no Inovelli switches at all), I wasn’t sure.
If so, I guess I’m not sure that option 1 is better than option 2 or 3, since we’re talking about the same amount of work:
- Keep black switch downstairs, replace dumb switch upstairs with red on-off switch
- Replace black switch downstairs with wite-series add-on switch, replace dumb switch upstairs with red on-off switch
- Replace black switch downstairs with red 800-series 2-in-1, replace dumb switch upstairs with white-series add-on switch (note that while this option would add dimming to the circuit, I don’t care about dimming on this one)
What would you do in this situation?
Thank you!