So, I had an electrician come out and wire a Red Series dimmer with a GE add-on in a no neutral configuration. This area is out in my barn and control 15, 2 bulb receptacles.
So, after wiring everything in, I programmed the switch to be a no-neutral and add-on. We tested and the switch was able to turn the incandescent bulbs on and dim them. However, it was getting warm. Electrician was looking at the specs, so he said you’re going to need to lower the bulb wattage to be ~200w w/ LED. Which is fine for me.
So, last weekend, I bought 22-60w(9w) softwhite bulbs, and 8 40w (5w) NON-DIMMABLE bulbs (238w if my calculator is right) and installed them. I couldn’t adjust the dimmer speed yet. because I had to order a new hub to install in the barn (it seemed like these switches didn’t want to join a zwave extension network, ended up needing to have the hub within 10ft). I tested, and obviously the lights behaved badly while the switch was being dimmed up. But they came on.
The next day, I went to the remote switch, flicked it on, and they started flickering funny. Went to the other side, made sure the dimmer was on all the way, worked fine a few times. I figured I needed to get the hub in to finalize the configuration.
So, yesterday my new hub came in. In got the switches added and was playing the settings. Then it started behaving below:
Pressing the Add-On switch = turns the bulbs on for ~1sec, then off.
Turning them on via Hubitat = same as add-on.
Turning them on via main switch = Dimmer starts ramping up to return to 100% (last known state and configured in Hubitat finally) as it’s doing so, ~24-40% , you can see the bulbs turn on (flickering due to low wattage being supplied) then it suddenly cuts off, LED flashes Red, Green, Blue, then shuts off. Tried again, same effect. Play with smart bulb mode on/off as well as other settings. It SEEMS like whenever it reaches 100%, or approaches the switch reset.
So, I bought some replacement 40w dimmable LEDs, which should be ~150w and also work with being lower wattage. But before I go swapping out 30 bulbs (and wasting a small bit of money) I wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong with the switch. There’s a switch wired right next to it, that’s on ~10 LED dimmable flood lights and behaves perfectly with it’s Add-On. Did some reading, some others had this problem and said the issue was not having enough load… maybe I had too much? Anything thoughts before I waste my time swapping everything out?
My second issue, was with getting them to join Zwave. At first I tried to add them in to a repeater that was about 35-40 feet away through some walls (cinder block) and it wasn’t picking up. So, I ordered another Hubitat hub since you can mesh them. Once it got here, I put it in my tack room, which is about 25-30ft away, still having to go through 1-2 cinderblock walls) Wouldn’t detect any zwave networks nor join. So I put a repeater where I could, repeater is around the corner, about 15 feet away (no no line of sight, but closer). Both switches still wouldn’t join. Then I moved the hub to about 10ft away, was able to get the switches to join. Moved hub back and everything still works 100% fine. Factory reset my problem switch when troubleshooting, upon the re-add it also failed to see any zwave network (despite it being 15ft from a repeater and centimeters from another red-series switch which was joined. So it seems like they don’t want to join a zwave-extended network. Am I missing something there?