I recently bought the Blue 2 in 1 and it came with firmware 2.15 preinstalled. I’m having trouble setting a notification that lasts over several hours. I successfully set a notification at night using the ledEffectAll and a duration of 255. (on hubitat) When I wake up in the morning the notification has cleared, and the driver doesn’t show any command being sent to clear it. Has anyone else seen this?
Can you show us the rule you made and how are you implementing the rule (Rule manager or third party)?
Sure! Using Node-RED:
const ledEffect = "4=Pulse"; // enum
const color = 0; // 254 hue
const level = sun; // 100 max
const duration = 255; // indefinite
// Joining the constants with a comma
msg.arguments = `${ledEffect},${color},${level},${duration}`;
return msg;
Which outputs: “4=Pulse,0,45,255” to a device node setting the ledEffectAll command.
I don’t use Node Red, but it does look okay. Although the parameters in Rule Machine would just be 4,0,45,255 (doesn’t have the 4=pulse in it). Can you try going to the device page and sending the ledEffectAll to the switch of concern and let it run for a while? See if it resolves itself. Also you can disable the double tap config button to prevent anyone from acknowledging the notification in case taht is what’s happening.
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