Happy birthday eric!

It’s our fearless leaders birthday today!
I figured you could all leave your happy birthdays here :slight_smile:


Happy Birthday Eric, from one of your biggest FANS. I hope today you are able to SWITCH back and realize what amazing things you and your team have accomplished. I’m RED with passion for your products, and may your LIGHTS never be DIMMER. I’m eMOTIONal at the thought of what comes next.

Here’s to many more years of innovation and… well… Ino-velli!


Happy Birthday Eric! You sure are glowing in the photo.

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Lol thanks @Brianna_Inovelli :partying_face:

I appreciate the wishes as well @kreene1987 and @stu1811!

Quite the poem Kevin lol and Stu, I had Brianna adjust the lighting to make me look younger lol jk

Happy Birthday!

Thanks for the great products and support over the years

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Happy Birthday!

Thanks for everything you’ve done to help make Inovelli’s products the perfect additions to my home :slight_smile:

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