Help troubleshooting fan switch


My contractor is trying to install the Minka fan and a smart fan switch we recently purchased, but we’re running into problems. Apparently the Minka model has a connector and it’s unclear how we can connect it to the Innovelli receiver.

Here is the manual:–1585872001.pdf

And here are a bunch of pictures of the connector:

Any suggestions or advice on what we can do? Which wires do I splice to make this work with the switch? I’m hoping we can get this to work.

Minka uses DC motors, which are not compatible with the LZW36…

So I’m shit out of luck :frowning:

Are there any alternatives, or do I need to return the switch (fan is already installed).

Unfortunately there is nothing equal in the market that I am aware of, and yes you will need a new fan to work with this switch.

It looks like that fan has Bond built in, so depending on your hub, you should be able to control it.

I’m new to the whole z-wave thing (coming from Control4) and haven’t even chosen a hub yet :grimacing:

If I’m understanding correctly, you’re suggesting that it’s possible the hub could act as the bridge between the switch and the fan? In other words, I’d still use the switches?

I think you may be able to use the switch unit, not the canopy; then you could setup rules for “scenes” to control the bond unit. I haven’t used the bond unit, so I’m not exactly sure how it works, but if you can pair it to a hub or link it to a hub, you should be able to setup rules. You may or may not get the LEDs bars to adjust though…not 100% on that.

I think you may be able to use the switch unit, not the canopy

Sorry…I’m not as familiar with the terminology.

In this context, switch = fan switch, but what does canopy refer to?

The LZW36 is two components - a wall-mounted “switch” and the canopy module that gets mounted in the fan itself. The “switch” does not actually turn power on/off, it just sends radio signals up to the canopy module to do the switching.

In the grand scheme of things, the LZW36’s “switch” can be used as a wall-powered Z-Wave remote control (with scenes) for controlling anything on your HA hub du jour…

So taking that one step further, you could have the fan toggle/level programmed to trigger your hub to command the fan to a specific level/action through Bond integration.

Super helpful. I get it now.

I did contact the fan manufacturer and they told me only this switch works, but I’ll dig into the Bond option.

Appreciate all the guidance here!