Hmmm. This might be beyond my capabilities and knowledge with the system. One thing that comes off the top of my head - is the z-wave plugin up to date on the HS3 box?
Eric, can you have the other Eric (I think it was him) attempt to add the dimmer to his HS box to see if he recreates the error? I don’t have the switch yet, so I can’t see if the issue is unique to this person.
That’s the first thing I checked, the plugin is up to date. Homeseer support got back to me, but they were rather unhelpful. Greg (HS support) said to try to add it as a non-secure node, but I’d have to do it REALLY close to my ZWave dongle:
“Did you try adding the dives using the non security mode? You will want to remove it and then add it back within a few inches of your Z-Wave interface.”
This would be an incredibly impractical way of adding it. I tried it anyway (even though the switch is far), and the result was the same. There is no way I’m going to bring the switch up close to the ZWave dongle just to add it.
Weird. Unknown if it’s a security issue. I mean, I added my red series on/off switches just fine without any alteration to the add process. And they were two rooms over from my smart stick. I just don’t know how much of the firmware’s code is shared between the two switches.
I just tried again to grab the log. It definitely appears to be an issue with the security key/scheme:
Add Node started...
Activate the 'Add to Network' function on the device...
A new node is being added...
DONE - Add Node Operation is Complete.
Done. Node 13 Added.
Reloading (importing) node information...
Synchronizing node information with HomeSeer and creating new device(s) as necessary...
Synchronize nodes finished. Number of device nodes to be created/added = 1
Negotiating Security S2 for node 13
S2 Security key negotiation failed, node cannot be added using S2, will try S0 or unsecure...
Adding using S0 Security, Negotiating or Verifying SECURITY SCHEME for node 13
Warning: Failed to get a SECURITY SCHEME or verify the key from node 13. Device may not be added properly to HomeSeer.
Warning: If this is an import, you may need to remove and add the device as some devices cannot be added with an import.
Warning: Node 13 does not support the manufacturer specific command class - it is either a really old device or there was a communications problem.
Node 13 is a Z-Wave Plus node. Retrieving ZWPlus Info...
Saving network information to file: ZNet_Network CAC70EFE_CAC70EFE_2019-11-12_21.01.11.ZWave. Please wait...
@Eric_Inovelli and @EricM_Inovelli I’ve included additional information. I hope this can help. If I need to update firmware or anything, let me know and I can do it. If it helps, I have a software engineering background.
@papadakko Thanks for the info! So I am doing some testing on my Homeseer setup. I believe they have something going on with their security handling (as has been mentioned). The S2 inclusion doesn’t seem to work so the controller tries to initiate S0, which doesn’t pass as well. It then includes without security. I can actually control the device and see scene reports etc, but the device is z-wave certified and shouldn’t have those errors.
Including in non-secure mode does not produce any errors. I’m not sure why Homeseer support says to bring the device within inches. I know why that is sometimes a recommendation in secure mode, but not non-secure.
I’ve reached out to their support as well so hopefully we will have some answers soon.
Thanks so much @EricM_Inovelli. Even adding it in a non-secure mode, I cannot control the device and I cannot see scene information–it adds it as a node but it doesn’t do anything beyond that. I can provide the exact node information when I get a chance.
The Homeseer support is looking into the issue, but I’m not very hopeful. So I have done more testing with the default z-wave plugin version. I was somehow on a beta version.
The experience was similar except that S0 inclusion worked and it didn’t even try S2. Including secure & non-secure with that plugin didn’t throw any errors. I am wondering if it is a range thing (maybe even a defective radio on the dimmer). Can you try to move the hub a little closer just as a test? With a long ethernet cable? I know that isn’t a permanent solution, but I am curious if things will be different.
Sorry to hear your having troubles with z wave. It’s frustrating as hell sometimes.
When I have a device that’s troublesome, I do a few things. It all requires, however, getting the hub next to the device. For that reason, I have my hub running on a raspberry pi so I can run it on wifi and a battery when necessary.
Another item to consider is that secure add is unreliable from the mobile z-tool+ device. Only add unsecure using z-tool. Do not click the red add device button. I have no experience using S2 secure add but from the forum, it has to be done via the web interface.
Once you get the hub and switch near each other, I’m sure the exclude, exclude, exclude, factory reset, unsecure include steps will work.
Then while you are there, set parameters 21 and 22 appropriately.
Thanks @devanb! But I don’t use the mobile z-tool+, I use the z-wave plugin in my web interface to add nodes.
Also, unfortunately, my HS server is an actual machine, and not mobile so I am unable to physically move it closer without buying a super long USB extension cord. It also sounds ludicrous to me that HS would ask me to physically move the switch closer just to add it. I mean, what if I wanted to install the other switches in another part of the house?
Anyhow, I tried the z-tool+ mobile anyways, but the results were the same. Thank you for your help. I’m going to keep thinking of ways I can make this work.
Ok I was able to finally get the switches into Homesser. I did a factory reset on both of them–I have no idea why I didn’t just do that in the first place. Both switches had to be added as non-secure. One of the switches I had to add twice as some of the devices that Homeseer adds didn’t show up. It responds to controls via the interface no problem.
Edit: I went through each device and had to turn on “Voice Command” to get Google Home to recognize it… at least that’s what I think solved my Google Home issue.
Oh great, I was kind of stuck on that. I was going to suggest telling Google to “resync devices”, but the check mark for voice command sounds like it did it.