HAHA, I feel like I need to send @Eric_Inovelli a Hubitat for Christmas. Also, were you late in the beginning on purpose or trying to match the delayed delivery of the Smart switches?
Thanks dude, yeah I’m sure you could tell based on how fast I talked and my head bobbing every which way!
Haha, man did this backfire on me lol. I was trying to show people how they should appreciate their Hubitat bc it runs locally, but I got put through the gauntlet in the comments!
Ok, ok, in reality I just don’t know how to work Hubitat so I stuck with what I had, which was ST – you caught me!
LOL – dang, that was a good one! I was going to respond to the guy when he introduced me as the marketing intern by saying, “yeah, I was in charge of pre-orders and Black Friday for Canada – it’s been a tough go around for me, but somehow I managed to stick around”.
@anon14959390 can vouch for me, I was at the office at 7:45 EST and I tried to open the Zoom link at around 8:30 and it just said, “Connecting”, so I figured the meeting hadn’t started yet. Then around 8:45, I tried again… same thing. I emailed Pete, but didn’t get a response. 8:55 rolls around and I’m in full panic mode. 9:00 hits and Pete sends me a text like, “dude are you joining?”. I tell him the situation and we can’t figure out what’s going on. So, I threw a Hail Mary, uninstalled the Zoom App I had on my computer prior and then re-installed it and it finally worked.
Walked right into Bruce’s notification talk thinking, “what is happening right now” haha.