I updated the firmware on three of my red series on/off switches to 1.22, and all of them stopped being reachable by my hub after initially working for a bit (I think). I deleted one of them to exclude and re-include, but the radio does not seem to be working at all.
I have:
- Airgapped the switch several times
- Factory reset the switch several times
- Attempted to exclude the switch using a hubitat hub, a smartthings hub (separate z-wave network), and a Zooz S2 switch (connected to the hubitat network)
- Attempted to include the switch using the above
- Attempted to include using the QR code via hubitat and smartthings
All controllers are in the same room as the switch and <10 feet away.
When entering pairing mode to include or exclude, the status light always indicates a failure (flashes red momentarily), even when trying to exclude. I have never had this happen before with any z-wave device, as exclusions should get processed regardless of whether the switch sees itself in the same or a different network.
Any ideas what I can do? I’m afraid I’ve fully bricked these switches.