LZW31-SN Dimmer, Manual turn on no state reporting

Hi there, I have the red series dimmer working with Home Assistant. I got the config set up, and all sensors show up and report correctly.
However, when I manually turn it on it doesn’t report that the switch is turned on to HA. It shows the power usage correctly as well. If I use the toggle switch from HA, it does turn on and turn off correctly.

My current workaround is to set up an automation that checks the power usage sensor and if it’s above 0 flip the switch to “on” position.

The switch is about 1 meter away from the hub and I have about 50 other Zwave devices on my network.

All parameters are default except for Parameter 1 is at 0 (instant on), and LED color brightness and color settings.
Anyone else experiences this?

I fixed the issue by connecting the node without the security. So there is that…

This only happens to me when i change the ramp rate. If the ramp rate is standard it works fine. but if change it it does not report the status. very frustrating

I can confirm, that this is the same for me. I think the reason it got fixed before is because when i readded it back it went all back to default settings. Perhaps it can be included in the next firmware update :grinning:

omg i am having the same issue using zwave2mqtt addon with hassio. i have been ripping my hair out since everything else seems to be reporting and working fine except updating the entity state when i use the physical switch to turn off and on. since this is my first zwave device i reset everything to factory and tried again but still see the issue. you can even see the power reporting when i am turning the switch on and off (going from 0–> 211.8).

here are the debug logs i found when adding the device.

2020-04-12T20:00:46.678Z z2m:Zwave Success zwave api call addNode true
2020-04-12T20:00:46.680Z z2m:Zwave controller command { nodeid: 0, state: 1, errcode: 0, help: ‘AddDevice Starting’ }
2020-04-12T20:00:46.681Z z2m:Zwave controller command { nodeid: 0, state: 4, errcode: 0, help: ‘AddDevice Waiting’ }
2020-04-12T20:00:59.620Z z2m:Zwave controller command { nodeid: 0, state: 6, errcode: 0, help: ‘AddDevice InProgress’ }
2020-04-12T20:00:59.809Z z2m:Zwave controller command { nodeid: 4, state: 6, errcode: 0, help: ‘AddDevice InProgress’ }
2020-04-12T20:01:00.123Z z2m:Zwave controller command { nodeid: 4, state: 6, errcode: 0, help: ‘AddDevice InProgress’ }
OpenZWave Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 0 (COMMAND_CLASS_NO_OPERATION)
OpenZWave Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 114 (COMMAND_CLASS_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC)
2020-04-12T20:01:00.180Z z2m:Zwave Node added 4
2020-04-12T20:01:00.180Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-94-1-0 ZWave+ Version
2020-04-12T20:01:00.181Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-94-1-1 InstallerIcon
2020-04-12T20:01:00.182Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-94-1-2 UserIcon
2020-04-12T20:01:00.182Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-38-1-0 Level
2020-04-12T20:01:00.183Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-38-1-1 Bright
2020-04-12T20:01:00.183Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-38-1-2 Dim
2020-04-12T20:01:00.184Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-38-1-3 Ignore Start Level
2020-04-12T20:01:00.184Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-38-1-4 Start Level
2020-04-12T20:01:00.185Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-134-1-0 Library Version
2020-04-12T20:01:00.186Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-134-1-1 Protocol Version
2020-04-12T20:01:00.186Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-134-1-2 Application Version
2020-04-12T20:01:00.187Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-115-1-0 Powerlevel
2020-04-12T20:01:00.187Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-115-1-1 Timeout
2020-04-12T20:01:00.188Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-115-1-2 Set Powerlevel
2020-04-12T20:01:00.188Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-115-1-3 Test Node
2020-04-12T20:01:00.189Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-115-1-4 Test Powerlevel
2020-04-12T20:01:00.189Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-115-1-5 Frame Count
2020-04-12T20:01:00.190Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-115-1-6 Test
2020-04-12T20:01:00.190Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-115-1-7 Report
2020-04-12T20:01:00.191Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-115-1-8 Test Status
2020-04-12T20:01:00.192Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-115-1-9 Acked Frames
2020-04-12T20:01:00.192Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-152-1-0 Secured
2020-04-12T20:01:00.193Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-91-1-256 Scene Count
2020-04-12T20:01:00.193Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-91-1-257 Scene Reset Timeout
2020-04-12T20:01:00.195Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-117-1-0 Protection
2020-04-12T20:01:00.196Z z2m:Zwave controller command { nodeid: 4, state: 7, errcode: 0, help: ‘AddDevice Completed’ }
OpenZWave Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 94 (COMMAND_CLASS_ZWAVEPLUS_INFO)
OpenZWave Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 38 (COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL)
OpenZWave Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 112 (COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION)
OpenZWave Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 133 (COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION)
OpenZWave Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 134 (COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION)
OpenZWave Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 90 (COMMAND_CLASS_DEVICE_RESET_LOCALLY)
OpenZWave Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 115 (COMMAND_CLASS_POWERLEVEL)
OpenZWave Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 50 (COMMAND_CLASS_METER)
OpenZWave Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 152 (COMMAND_CLASS_SECURITY)
OpenZWave Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 91 (COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE)
OpenZWave Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 117 (COMMAND_CLASS_PROTECTION)
OpenZWave Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 34 (COMMAND_CLASS_APPLICATION_STATUS)
2020-04-12T20:01:00.209Z z2m:Zwave Notification from node 4: Notification - NoOperation (2)
2020-04-12T20:01:00.210Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-114-1-0 Loaded Config Revision
2020-04-12T20:01:00.210Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-114-1-1 Config File Revision
2020-04-12T20:01:00.211Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-114-1-2 Latest Available Config File Revision
2020-04-12T20:01:00.211Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-114-1-3 Device ID
2020-04-12T20:01:00.212Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-114-1-4 Serial Number
2020-04-12T20:01:00.260Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-1 Dimming Speed
2020-04-12T20:01:00.261Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-2 Dimming Speed (From Switch)
2020-04-12T20:01:00.261Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-3 Ramp Rate
2020-04-12T20:01:00.262Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-4 Ramp Rate (From Switch)
2020-04-12T20:01:00.262Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-5 Minimum Level
2020-04-12T20:01:00.263Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-6 Maximum Level
2020-04-12T20:01:00.263Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-7 Invert Switch
2020-04-12T20:01:00.263Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-8 Auto Off Timer
2020-04-12T20:01:00.264Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-9 Default Level (Local)
2020-04-12T20:01:00.265Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-10 Default Level (Z-Wave)
2020-04-12T20:01:00.265Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-11 State After Power Restored
2020-04-12T20:01:00.266Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-12 Association Behavior
2020-04-12T20:01:00.266Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-13 LED Indicator Color
2020-04-12T20:01:00.267Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-14 LED Strip Intensity
2020-04-12T20:01:00.267Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-15 LED Strip Intensity (When OFF)
2020-04-12T20:01:00.268Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-16 LED Strip Effect
2020-04-12T20:01:00.268Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-17 LED Strip Timeout
2020-04-12T20:01:00.269Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-18 Active Power Reports
2020-04-12T20:01:00.269Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-19 Periodic Power & Energy Reports
2020-04-12T20:01:00.269Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-20 Energy Reports
2020-04-12T20:01:00.270Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-21 AC Power Type
2020-04-12T20:01:00.270Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-112-1-22 Switch Type
2020-04-12T20:01:00.271Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-91-1-0 Scene Count
2020-04-12T20:01:00.271Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-91-1-2 Top Button Scene
2020-04-12T20:01:00.271Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-91-1-1 Bottom Button Scene
2020-04-12T20:01:00.272Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-91-1-3 Config Button Scene
OpenZWave Warning, Node004, Zwave+ Node Type (0x00) - NOT FOUND. No Mandatory Command Classes Loaded:
OpenZWave Warning, Node004, Zwave+ Device Type (0x0600) - NOT FOUND. No Mandatory Command Classes Loaded:
OpenZWave Warning, Node004, ZWave+ Role Type (0x05) - NOT FOUND. No Mandatory Command Classes Loaded:
2020-04-12T20:01:10.306Z z2m:Zwave Notification from node 4: Notification - TimeOut (1)
OpenZWave Error, Node004, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s). Command: “SecurityCmd_SupportedGet (Node=4): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x04, 0x02, 0x98, 0x02, 0x25, 0x37, 0x6b”
2020-04-12T20:01:10.497Z z2m:Zwave node 4 AVAILABLE: Inovelli - LZW31-SN Dimmer Red Series (Unknown)
2020-04-12T20:01:10.543Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-50-1-0 Electric - kWh
2020-04-12T20:01:10.546Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-50-1-2 Electric - W
2020-04-12T20:01:10.548Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-50-1-256 Exporting
2020-04-12T20:01:10.548Z z2m:Zwave ValueAdded: 4-50-1-257 Reset
OpenZWave Warning, Node004, CommandClass COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE HandlerMsg Returned False
OpenZWave Warning, CheckCompletedNodeQueries m_allNodesQueried=1 m_awakeNodesQueried=1
2020-04-12T20:01:11.344Z z2m:Zwave node 4 ready: Inovelli - LZW31-SN Dimmer Red Series (Unknown)
2020-04-12T20:02:46.949Z z2m:Zwave zwave node 4: changed: 50-1-0:Electric - kWh:0.049 -> 0.055
2020-04-12T20:02:46.953Z z2m:Zwave zwave node 4: changed: 50-1-256:Exporting:false -> false
2020-04-12T20:04:02.950Z z2m:Zwave zwave node 4: changed: 50-1-2:Electric - W:209 -> 0
2020-04-12T20:04:02.954Z z2m:Zwave zwave node 4: changed: 50-1-256:Exporting:false -> false
2020-04-12T20:05:26.048Z z2m:Zwave zwave node 4: changed: 50-1-2:Electric - W:0 -> 211.8
2020-04-12T20:05:26.051Z z2m:Zwave zwave node 4: changed: 50-1-256:Exporting:false -> false
2020-04-12T20:07:20.805Z z2m:Zwave zwave node 4: changed: 50-1-0:Electric - kWh:0.055 -> 0.066
2020-04-12T20:07:20.808Z z2m:Zwave zwave node 4: changed: 50-1-256:Exporting:false -> false

in a previous attempt to fix this issue i did see “duplicate scene notification …dropping” in the OZW_Log.txt but i am not seeing that since my reset of everything. i was also changing the ramp rate to zero like @skynet but the errors above were before i even got to that point.

i’m happy to help test changes or updates since i dont have any other zwave devices yet, i was about to buy a lot of these for my new house.

I use Home Assistant with Zwave2MQTT with the LZW31-SN, but not experiencing these issues (even with the ramp rate set to 0.

OZW logs when turning light on and off
$ tail -f OZW_Log.txt | grep Node011
2020-04-23 02:54:15.017 Detail, Node011,   Received: 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0b, 0x03, 0x20, 0x03, 0x63, 0xba
2020-04-23 02:54:15.018 Info, Node011, Received Basic report from node 11: level=99
2020-04-23 02:54:15.018 Detail, Node011, Queuing (Send) SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=11): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x0b, 0x02, 0x26, 0x02, 0x25, 0x19, 0xf4
2020-04-23 02:54:15.018 Info, Node011, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0x19, Expected Reply=0x04) - SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=11): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x0b, 0x02, 0x26, 0x02, 0x25, 0x19, 0xf4
2020-04-23 02:54:15.018 Info, Node011, Encrypted Flag is 0
2020-04-23 02:54:15.026 Detail, Node011,   Received: 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x13, 0x01, 0xe8
2020-04-23 02:54:15.026 Detail, Node011,   ZW_SEND_DATA delivered to Z-Wave stack
2020-04-23 02:54:15.043 Detail, Node011,   Received: 0x01, 0x07, 0x00, 0x13, 0x19, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0xf1
2020-04-23 02:54:15.043 Detail, Node011,   ZW_SEND_DATA Request with callback ID 0x19 received (expected 0x19)
2020-04-23 02:54:15.043 Info, Node011, Request RTT 25 Average Request RTT 25
2020-04-23 02:54:15.043 Detail, Node011,   Expected callbackId was received
2020-04-23 02:54:15.061 Detail, Node011,   Received: 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0b, 0x03, 0x26, 0x03, 0x63, 0xbc
2020-04-23 02:54:15.061 Info, Node011, Response RTT 43 Average Response RTT 45
2020-04-23 02:54:15.061 Info, Node011, Received SwitchMultiLevel report: level=99
2020-04-23 02:54:15.062 Detail, Node011, Refreshed Value: old value=0, new value=99, type=byte
2020-04-23 02:54:15.062 Detail, Node011, Changes to this value are not verified
2020-04-23 02:54:15.062 Detail, Node011,   Expected reply and command class was received
2020-04-23 02:54:15.062 Detail, Node011,   Message transaction complete
2020-04-23 02:54:15.062 Detail, Node011, Removing current message
2020-04-23 02:54:15.062 Detail, Node011, Notification: ValueChanged CC: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL Instance: 1 Index: 0
2020-04-23 02:54:15.126 Detail, Node011,   Received: 0x01, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0b, 0x05, 0x5b, 0x03, 0x09, 0x80, 0x02, 0x2d
2020-04-23 02:54:15.126 Info, Node011, Received Central Scene set from node 11: scene id=2 with key Attribute 0. Sending event notification.
2020-04-23 02:54:15.126 Detail, Node011, Refreshed Value: old value=0, new value=1, type=list
2020-04-23 02:54:15.126 Detail, Node011, Changes to this value are not verified
2020-04-23 02:54:15.126 Info, Node011, Automatically Clearing Scene 2 in 1000ms
2020-04-23 02:54:15.126 Detail, Node011, Notification: ValueChanged CC: COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE Instance: 1 Index: 2
2020-04-23 02:54:16.127 Detail, Node011, Refreshed Value: old value=1, new value=0, type=list
2020-04-23 02:54:16.128 Detail, Node011, Changes to this value are not verified
2020-04-23 02:54:16.128 Detail, Node011, Notification: ValueChanged CC: COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE Instance: 1 Index: 2
2020-04-23 02:54:18.466 Detail, Node011,   Received: 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0b, 0x03, 0x20, 0x03, 0x00, 0xd9
2020-04-23 02:54:18.466 Info, Node011, Received Basic report from node 11: level=0
2020-04-23 02:54:18.466 Detail, Node011, Queuing (Send) SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=11): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x0b, 0x02, 0x26, 0x02, 0x25, 0x1a, 0xf7
2020-04-23 02:54:18.466 Info, Node011, Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0x1a, Expected Reply=0x04) - SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=11): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x0b, 0x02, 0x26, 0x02, 0x25, 0x1a, 0xf7
2020-04-23 02:54:18.466 Info, Node011, Encrypted Flag is 0
2020-04-23 02:54:18.474 Detail, Node011,   Received: 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x13, 0x01, 0xe8
2020-04-23 02:54:18.474 Detail, Node011,   ZW_SEND_DATA delivered to Z-Wave stack
2020-04-23 02:54:18.494 Detail, Node011,   Received: 0x01, 0x07, 0x00, 0x13, 0x1a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0xf2
2020-04-23 02:54:18.494 Detail, Node011,   ZW_SEND_DATA Request with callback ID 0x1a received (expected 0x1a)
2020-04-23 02:54:18.495 Info, Node011, Request RTT 28 Average Request RTT 26
2020-04-23 02:54:18.495 Detail, Node011,   Expected callbackId was received
2020-04-23 02:54:18.514 Detail, Node011,   Received: 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0b, 0x03, 0x26, 0x03, 0x00, 0xdf
2020-04-23 02:54:18.514 Info, Node011, Response RTT 48 Average Response RTT 46
2020-04-23 02:54:18.515 Info, Node011, Received SwitchMultiLevel report: level=0
2020-04-23 02:54:18.515 Detail, Node011, Refreshed Value: old value=99, new value=0, type=byte
2020-04-23 02:54:18.515 Detail, Node011, Changes to this value are not verified
2020-04-23 02:54:18.515 Detail, Node011,   Expected reply and command class was received
2020-04-23 02:54:18.515 Detail, Node011,   Message transaction complete
2020-04-23 02:54:18.515 Detail, Node011, Removing current message
2020-04-23 02:54:18.515 Detail, Node011, Notification: ValueChanged CC: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL Instance: 1 Index: 0
2020-04-23 02:54:18.581 Detail, Node011,   Received: 0x01, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0b, 0x05, 0x5b, 0x03, 0x0a, 0x80, 0x01, 0x2d
2020-04-23 02:54:18.581 Info, Node011, Received Central Scene set from node 11: scene id=1 with key Attribute 0. Sending event notification.
2020-04-23 02:54:18.581 Detail, Node011, Refreshed Value: old value=0, new value=1, type=list
2020-04-23 02:54:18.581 Detail, Node011, Changes to this value are not verified
2020-04-23 02:54:18.581 Info, Node011, Automatically Clearing Scene 1 in 1000ms
2020-04-23 02:54:18.581 Detail, Node011, Notification: ValueChanged CC: COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE Instance: 1 Index: 1
2020-04-23 02:54:19.582 Detail, Node011, Refreshed Value: old value=1, new value=0, type=list
2020-04-23 02:54:19.582 Detail, Node011, Changes to this value are not verified
2020-04-23 02:54:19.582 Detail, Node011, Notification: ValueChanged CC: COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE Instance: 1 Index: 1
2020-04-23 02:54:21.358 Detail, Node011,   Received: 0x01, 0x10, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x0b, 0x0a, 0x32, 0x02, 0x21, 0x34, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcf
2020-04-23 02:54:21.358 Info, Node011, Received Meter Report for Electric - W (1) with Units W (2) on Index 2: 0.0
2020-04-23 02:54:21.358 Detail, Node011, Refreshed Value: old value=0.0, new value=0.0, type=decimal
2020-04-23 02:54:21.359 Detail, Node011, Changes to this value are not verified
2020-04-23 02:54:21.359 Detail, Node011, Refreshed Value: old value=false, new value=false, type=bool
2020-04-23 02:54:21.359 Detail, Node011, Changes to this value are not verified
2020-04-23 02:54:21.359 Detail, Node011, Notification: ValueChanged CC: COMMAND_CLASS_METER Instance: 1 Index: 2
2020-04-23 02:54:21.359 Detail, Node011, Notification: ValueChanged CC: COMMAND_CLASS_METER Instance: 1 Index: 256

Do you have the HASS Discovery option turned on in zwave2mqtt, or are you manually configuring things in Home Assistant for this switch? It could be that zwave2mqtt is just reporting things incorrectly to Home Assistant.

awesome thank you for the logs and i am glad it is working through zwave2mqtt, hopefully we can compare and i can find what is different.

i am using discovery and using the mqtt integration on the hass side. are you using the integration or yaml file for the mqtt settings?

what is the firmware of your dimmer? i’m showing 1.35

i dont even see anything in the zwave2mqtt debug panel about receiving a scene change. i think this is where the problem is happening. can you post your manufacturer_specific.xml and inovelli zwave config folder? i can bring those over to my setup and test.

i really appreciate the help these dimmers are almost everything i want in a smart switch

I am using a YAML file to configure my devices.

My setup

YAML file (for light/dimming only. I am currently not tracking energy usage)

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Living Room Light
    command_topic: "zwave/11/38/1/0/set"
    brightness_command_topic: "zwave/11/38/1/0/set"
    brightness_value_template: "{{ (value_json.value) | round(0) }}"
    brightness_state_topic: "zwave/11/38/1/0"
    brightness_scale: 99
    on_command_type: "brightness"
    payload_on: 99
    payload_off: 0
    state_topic: "zwave/11/38/1/0"
    state_value_template: "{{ 0 if value_json.value == 0 else 99 }}"

The 1.35 you are seeing is likely not the firmware version (it did not change when I updated to the beta firmware on any of my devices)
I have a mix of the original firmware and the beta 1.41 firmware versions, both of which are working fine for me.

I am actually using the config files from the Inovelli Github page:

When you have HASS Discovery turned on, there should be a section that shows the component configuration. Could you post what yours is showing for this device?

ok i am also using the config straight from their github.

here is the component configuration for the dimmer:

“type”: “light”,
“object_id”: “dimmer”,
“discovery_payload”: {
“schema”: “template”,
“brightness_template”: “{{ (value_json.value / 99 * 255) | round(0) }}”,
“state_topic”: “homeassistant/4/38/1/0”,
“state_template”: “{{ “off” if value_json.value == 0 else “on” }}”,
“command_topic”: “homeassistant/4/38/1/0/set”,
“command_on_template”: “{{ ((brightness / 255 * 99) | round(0)) if brightness is defined else 255 }}”,
“command_off_template”: “0”,
“device”: {
“identifiers”: [
“manufacturer”: “Inovelli”,
“model”: “LZW31-SN Dimmer Red Series (0x0001)”,
“name”: “nodeID_4”,
“sw_version”: “1.35”
“name”: “nodeID_4_dimmer”,
“unique_id”: “zwave2mqtt_0xc78fa832_4-38-1-0”
“discoveryTopic”: “light/nodeID_4/dimmer/config”,
“values”: [
“persistent”: false,
“id”: “light_dimmer”

I think the best next step would be to try to determine if the issue is with zwave2mqtt, or with Home Assistant.

Do you have the ability to ssh into hass? If so, you may be able to run the following command to see the brightness value change as you turn the light on or off:
mosquitto_sub -t homeassistant/4/38/1/0 | grep -o '"value":*.[^,]'
As you turn the light on/off or change the brightness, it should look like this:

If you see the value change with the light status, then it is likely just a HA config issue that we need to figure out.

I wasn’t using “zwave2mqtt” i was using the native Zwave home assistant integration.

i think the issue is most certainly on the zwave2mqtt side. i have been using mqtt explorer to watch the homeassistant/4/38/1/0 topic and i only see changes when i am pushing from the hass side. right now i’m running hassio and zwave2mqtt as a hassio add-on. i’m thinking about tearing down the add on and running zwave2mqtt in a normal docker container. that should get closer to your setup. either that or something is just not configured correctly somewhere.

So when you turn the light on/off from HA, or when you turn it on/off directly through zwave2mqtt, you see the updates on the topic homeassistant/4/38/1/0, but when you turn the light on or off directly from the switch itself, you do not see any updates on this topic?

sorry i really appreciate you sticking with me on this one, i often forget that you are not looking at what i am nor able to read my mind. here is a clearer breakdown of the tests and results

toggle dimmer physically --> no update on topic homeassistant/4/38/1/0 and therefore no status change in HA

toggle dimmer from HA --> i see value changes on topic homeassistant/4/38/1/0 and light responds as expected with HA entity state being updated accordingly

set level in zwave2mqtt --> see value change on topic homeassistant/4/38/1/0 and light responds as expected with HA state updated accordingly

based on that, it seems the issue is between the dimmer and zwave2mqtt but ONLY for the “level” 4-38-1-0. everything else communicates fine.

So you get no update on that topic when toggling physically, but the light still turns on and off when using the physical switch?

Could you provide a snippet of your OW_Log.txt file showing what happens when you use the physical buttons on your switch?

correct, the light still functions as expected but no updated on the topic.

nothing gets written to the OZW_Log.txt when pressing the button but here is the entire log after i restarted the container.

2020-04-23 19:59:00.411 Always, OpenZwave Version 1.6-974-ge89d2a16-dirty Starting Up
2020-04-23 19:59:00.411 Warning, Unable to load Localization file /config/zwave/Localization.xml: Failed to open file
2020-04-23 19:59:00.411 Always, Using Language Localization
2020-04-23 19:59:00.411 Warning, Unable to load NotificationCCTypes file /config/zwave/NotificationCCTypes.xml
2020-04-23 19:59:00.411 Warning, Unable to load SensorMultiLevelCCTypes file /config/zwave/SensorMultiLevelCCTypes.xml
2020-04-23 19:59:00.793 Warning, Config File for Heatit Z-Push Button 8 does not exist - /config/zwave/thermofloor/heatitz8.xml
2020-04-23 19:59:01.302 Warning, Download of http://download.db.openzwave.com/a305.0300.019b.xml Failed (Node: 0)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.471 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 0 (COMMAND_CLASS_NO_OPERATION)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.471 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 114 (COMMAND_CLASS_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.471 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 0 (COMMAND_CLASS_NO_OPERATION)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.471 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 114 (COMMAND_CLASS_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.487 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 112 (COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.521 Warning, CheckCompletedNodeQueries m_allNodesQueried=0 m_awakeNodesQueried=0
2020-04-23 19:59:01.521 Warning, CheckCompletedNodeQueries all=0, deadFound=0 sleepingOnly=0
2020-04-23 19:59:01.570 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 112 (COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.571 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 133 (COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.571 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 91 (COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.622 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 94 (COMMAND_CLASS_ZWAVEPLUS_INFO)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.622 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 38 (COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.622 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 134 (COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.623 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 90 (COMMAND_CLASS_DEVICE_RESET_LOCALLY)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.623 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 115 (COMMAND_CLASS_POWERLEVEL)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.623 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 152 (COMMAND_CLASS_SECURITY)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.623 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 50 (COMMAND_CLASS_METER)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.623 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 117 (COMMAND_CLASS_PROTECTION)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.623 Warning, Localization::SetupCommandClass: Localization Warning: No Entry for CommandClass - CC: 34 (COMMAND_CLASS_APPLICATION_STATUS)
2020-04-23 19:59:01.671 Warning, Node004, Zwave+ Node Type (0x00) - NOT FOUND. No Mandatory Command Classes Loaded:
2020-04-23 19:59:01.671 Warning, Node004, Zwave+ Device Type (0x0600) - NOT FOUND. No Mandatory Command Classes Loaded:
2020-04-23 19:59:01.671 Warning, Node004, ZWave+ Role Type (0x05) - NOT FOUND. No Mandatory Command Classes Loaded:
2020-04-23 19:59:11.671 Error, Node004, ERROR: Dropping command, expected response not received after 1 attempt(s). Command: “SecurityCmd_SupportedGet (Node=4): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x04, 0x02, 0x98, 0x02, 0x25, 0x0e, 0x52”
2020-04-23 19:59:11.954 Warning, Node004, CommandClass COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE HandlerMsg Returned False
2020-04-23 19:59:12.696 Warning, CheckCompletedNodeQueries m_allNodesQueried=0 m_awakeNodesQueried=0
2020-04-23 19:59:12.696 Warning, CheckCompletedNodeQueries all=1, deadFound=0 sleepingOnly=1

I see some errors about not being able to load Localization.xml, NotificationCCTypes.xml or SensorMultiLevelCCTypes.xml.

Are these files present in your zwave config directory?

SUCCESS!!! i went and grabbed those files from GitHub - OpenZWave/open-zwave: a C++ library to control Z-Wave Networks via a USB Z-Wave Controller. stopped the container, cleared out cache, started the add-on back up and boom, status is being reported as expected and reporting to physical button. thank you so much for digging through it, i feel stupid since the error was staring me in the face the entire time.

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I’m running into this issue as well when setting configuration parameter 1 to 0. I don’t have a neutral, so I don’t know if I can reliably use the power options (I still see them on one of the switches I didn’t tell it was a no-neutral switch). Out of the box with the default config it does report the state when controlled locally.

I’m currently using ozwave 1.4 with the copied in configs to the ozwave folder. Happy to migrate to the MQTT if that solves it for 1.6, if anyone can confirm.

the issues for me was missing files. i guess when i copied over the config some files never made it and were causing issues. i had the errors the controller logs when i first would start it up so i could see exactly which files were missing. i’m not sure if this is the same for you and i haven’t tried these without a neutral.