Got my replacement unit in yesterday and here’s what I have come up with so far. In this case I started up the new unit with the Inovelli provided driver.
Within an hour the unit failed to report from it’s sensors (light, temperature, humidity). Last report was 5:59 pm. The next entry in the logs came at 6:12. Here’s the portion of the log showing it reporting, then failing to report further. You will notice at that point I am attempting to reconfigure the unit.
dev:772020-06-07 06:12:12.050 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: initialize()
dev:772020-06-07 06:12:11.897 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: If this sensor is battery powered, the configuration options (aside from temp, hum, & lum offsets) will not be updated until the sensor wakes up. T 020-06-07 06:13:08.234 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: WakeUp Notification received
dev:772020-06-07 06:12:12.561 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Firmware report received: 2.03
dev:772020-06-07 06:12:12.063 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Requesting device firmware version
dev:772020-06-07 06:12:12.060 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: There are no association actions to complete for group 1
dev:772020-06-07 06:12:12.050 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: initialize()
dev:772020-06-07 06:12:11.897 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: If this sensor is battery powered, the configuration options (aside from temp, hum, & lum offsets) will not be updated until the sensor wakes up. To manually wake up the sensor, press the button on the back 3 times quickly.
dev:772020-06-07 06:12:11.895 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: updated()
dev:772020-06-07 05:59:12.676 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Illuminance report received: 33
dev:772020-06-07 05:58:12.775 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Illuminance report received: 33
dev:772020-06-07 05:58:12.592 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Temperature report received: 82
dev:772020-06-07 05:57:12.791 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Illuminance report received: 33
dev:772020-06-07 05:57:12.617 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Humidity report received: 39
dev:772020-06-07 05:56:12.697 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Illuminance report received: 33
dev:772020-06-07 05:55:12.766 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Illuminance report received: 33
dev:772020-06-07 05:55:12.596 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Temperature report received: 81.8
dev:772020-06-07 05:54:12.673 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Illuminance report received: 33
dev:772020-06-07 05:53:12.698 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Illuminance report received: 33
dev:772020-06-07 05:52:12.910 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Illuminance report received: 33
dev:772020-06-07 05:52:12.689 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Humidity report received: 39
dev:772020-06-07 05:52:12.592 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Temperature report received: 81.8
dev:772020-06-07 05:52:02.035 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Disabling logging after timeout
dev:772020-06-07 05:51:12.693 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Illuminance report received: 33
dev:772020-06-07 05:50:12.689 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Illuminance report received: 34
dev:772020-06-07 05:49:12.764 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: Illuminance report received: 35
What’s interesting is I see a timeout at 5:52:02 which says logging is disabled. Also not shown is that even with parameter 12 value showing 0 motion on my device page in my Hubitat shows active. That’s a common trait I saw with the previous sensor.
So I attempt to reconfigure and the log shows this.
2020-06-07 06:13:23.839 pm errorjava.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 on line 451 (configure)
dev:772020-06-07 06:13:23.689 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: There are no association actions to complete for group 1
dev:772020-06-07 06:13:23.679 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: initialize()
dev:772020-06-07 06:13:23.677 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: configure()
dev:772020-06-07 06:13:21.615 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: There are no association actions to complete for group 1
dev:772020-06-07 06:13:21.602 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: initialize()
dev:772020-06-07 06:13:21.599 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: WakeUp Notification received
dev:772020-06-07 06:13:16.344 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: There are no association actions to complete for group 1
dev:772020-06-07 06:13:16.333 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: initialize()
dev:772020-06-07 06:13:16.331 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: WakeUp Notification received
dev:772020-06-07 06:13:12.046 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: There are no association actions to complete for group 1
dev:772020-06-07 06:13:12.033 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: initialize()
dev:772020-06-07 06:13:12.031 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: WakeUp Notification received
dev:772020-06-07 06:13:08.246 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: There are no association actions to complete for group 1
dev:772020-06-07 06:13:08.236 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: initialize()
dev:772020-06-07 06:13:08.234 pm infoInovelli 4-in-1 Sensor: WakeUp Notification received
Notice the java error. I saw that before with the old sensor too.
So at that point I decided to change drivers. This time I’m using the driver written by Bryan Copeland. All works well with that driver other than I notice that I cannot set the time report parameter for the humidity 102 parameter. It only shows 7200 which is the default. Also noticeable is that the parameter 12 setting is also set at zero (same as when using the Inovelli supplied driver. However the device screen on the Hubitat shows motion inactive. Interesting…
Also noticeable is the Inovelli driver show wake Interval at 43200. Bryan’s driver is showing 3600. And I see the wake up commands firing off on his driver, every hour.
Bottom line I come to conclusion there may be some issues with the Inovelli driver
- I’m seeing timeouts. No wake ups unless I manually push the button.
- The device screen shows the motion active even though the parameter 12 option is set at 0.
- I get java errors when attempting to reconfigure the 4-in-1
So far I’ve had no failures with Bryan’s driver and I’m getting some suspicions regarding the wakeInterval timing which could be affecting the performance of the light, temperature and humidity sensors.
At this point I’ll continue watching and see if we get past the 48 hour run time point, which seemed to be the tipping point where my previous unit failed to update or report.