My New Years Wish: Inovelli Stuff In Stock!

Red seems to be out of stock perpetually and now blue is backordered until mid January and I have someone who needs 40-50 of something (preferred red but I’m convinced we may never see them again so Zigbee it is).

Fingers crossed that chip shortages and what-not ends soon!


Check ebay

There’s someone who has a bunch of NEW non-scene Red Series dimmers

That would make them Black dimmers.


yup! whoops


@casrockies I think I have around 8-10 new/unused Red Series dimmers that I’m willing to part with. They’re spares left over from our home remodel project. I’m out of town right now, but if you ping me at the end of the week as a reminder I can take a look and confirm the exact number.

Thanks @neetorama, I’ll confer with the other party to see if they are ready to pull the trigger on that.

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It’s my New Years Wish too :joy:


Yes, please get Red Series back in stock.

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Hi neetorama, if casrockies is not able to take the switches, I’d be interested!

I left a PM as well about taking as my extra switches you may have. I’m in the middle of a remodel as ND have a need a few more.