Hey Everyone! I’ve created a new email sign up form for you to fill out if you’d like to get updated via e-mail on anything new we have coming out!
You’ll see that there is an option to choose your hub as well as pick what lists you’d like to be added to. I want to be able to eventually provide custom email content for your interests. If you’re using a SmartThings hub, you’ll be able to receive specific updates on SmartThings information, etc. We also want to respect your inbox, so if you don’t want to see our latest office prank, just click the “Sales and Specials Emails” list and you’ll only get Sales and Specials information!
You can sign up here: https://zc.vg/sf/kGGZG
If you have any suggestions or things you’d like to see on our emails, let me know below! I’d love to chat