(read update below too…)
original post.
there are lots of weirdnesses in the new red series dimmers… like having to press the up paddle twice on occation (presumably once to wake up the switch, then once to turn it on) or the default dimming being randomly set to being all the way dim. so you have to turn the switch on (and notice the very little blue hue at the bottom), then hold the up paddle down to get the brightness ramped up. then it works well for a few days. then a few days later, it does the same thing where you have to press up, then hold up. getting the lights on is often an adventure in trial and error. my wife finds it amusing.
but here’s a new one… the switch turns on normally with the blue bar all the way maxed out. but my closet light is not on. then if i press and hold the ‘up’ paddle, the light comes on. when i relase the top paddle, the light does off. both happen instantly.
so i have to hold the up paddle to have the light on. anyone else seen THAT one?
SHEEPISH UPDATE: the press and hold thing was NOT the fault of the switch. it’s pretty easy to get the wires in the holes but NOT under the clamps, and my electrician had done that so one of the wires was in the hole, but would pull out with no pressure. so attaching that wire securely fixed this issue. (the pressure of pressing and holding must have been completing the circuit).
the other oddity was also not the fault of the switch (directly). some well-meaning non-techie people in my home were having trouble figuring out how to turn off the lights… so they were doing what worked and was intuitive to them which was to press down and hold. so that dimmed them lights all the way to turn them off. thus when i pressed up, it turned them back on to 0%… that explains both oddities i was seeing. darn ‘users’. my cleaner set all 30 lights in my home this way last week more people turn lights off this way than the correct way.
i suggest a firmware change that may make it more user-friendly where if the light is at dim level 0% and someone clicks the up button, that it turns the light on to 100% vs. turning it ‘on’ at 0%. imho, that makes more sense to a user for the light to come on than having pressing up do nothing by resetting the light to 0% (but on) and gets around these people that turn the light off by pressing down and holding. my 2c.