Hello folks! Two weeks in to both Inovelli and Hubitat, so this is a learning curve issue (I think. Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s just me…). I thought this was a simple one, but it’s driving me a bit nuts.
I just installed 20 Red Switches (LZW30-SN) throughout the house. I’ve got the LED notification lights set currently to different levels based on on/of status (100% on, then either 20% or 30% depending on the room, bedrooms are 20% when off, other rooms are 30% when off). All are set to Blue, for now. Using the Device settings ‘LED Strip Color’, ‘LED Strip Intensity’, and 'LED Strip Intensity (When OFF). I do have the LED Child Device enabled as well.
What I wanted to do is set several of the switch LEDs to Red when the Alarm is on (HSM Status). All LEDs are Red at 100% when in Armed-Away, and only the master bedroom switches (at 20%) and those switches near exit doors (at 40%) are Red when in Armed-Night. All LEDs should go back to Blue when the mode is set to anything other than Armed-Away or Armed-Night.
I had used Rule Machine to do this, but quickly found that it didn’t do entirely what I wanted.
My rule set the LED Child Device to Red 100% when Armed-Away and Red 20%/30% when Armed-Night. I found that the intensity changed from 100-20/30 or 20/30-100 when I switched between Armed-Away and Armed-Night, but didn’t change them back to Blue when the Mode was other than Armed-Away / Armed-Night, such as Day / Evening.
Shy of building more Rules to switch the LED Child back to Blue, is there an easier / better way?