Red Series 2-1 Association to dual LZW42

I am trying to associate my new VZW31-SN Dimmers to a pair of LZW42 bulbs. I am using Home Assistant and Z-Wave JS UI. Any help on figuring out what I’m doing wrong would be greatly apprciated. Tried to give as much info as possible.

When I go to Dimmer > Groups > Add I choose the below settings and get a failed message (Error while adding association). Switch is Node 40
Node Endpoint - Root Endpoint
Group - 3 [Switch Multilevel Set]
Target Node - Light 1 (Node 26)
Target Endpoint - Root Endpoint

Z-Wave JS UI Logs
2023-08-29 12:43:07.978 INFO Z-WAVE: Calling api addAssociations with args: [
{ nodeId: 40, endpoint: 0 },
[ { nodeId: 26, endpoint: 0 }, [length]: 1 ],
[length]: 3
2023-08-29 12:43:07.981 WARN Z-WAVE: [Node 040] Unable to add Node 26 to Group 3 of Node 40
2023-08-29 12:43:07.984 INFO Z-WAVE: Success zwave api call addAssociations false

Z-Wave JS UI Version 1.15.8
Raspberry Pi 4
Home Assistant 2023.8.4
Supervisor 2023.08.1
Operating System 10.5
Frontend 20230802.1

I can’t help with the HA part, but to get started, make sure everything is paired at the same, preferably no, security level.

Ahh that could be my issue, I dont think the LZW42’s support any security and my Switch is at S2. Is there a way to get these to work without having to downgrade my Switch so S0?

You need them all to be at the same security level. The bulb only supports no security and S0. So you’ll want to pair the switch with no security as well.

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Thanks for your help. I was able to get associations in place after downgrading my switch to no security. I was able to get on/off working but I’m unable to Dim the lights using the switch.

I associated both lights to groups 2, 3 and 4. Switch configurations below, am I missing some other setting?

52 - ON - Smart Bulb Mode
59.1 - ON - Send Local Commands To Associated Devices
59.2 - ON - Forward Z-Wave Commands to Associated Devices
158 - Dimmer Mode

On my LZW31-SN (Gen2) I’m only using groups 3 and 4 :person_shrugging:

I tried enabling groups 3 and 4 but now my on/off stopped working. I suspect the groups are different on the LZW31-SN.

I’ve settled for just having Group 2 for On/Off and leaving the rest off. Will have to control dimming through the App or voice assistant

With groups 3 and 4, what do you mean by on/off stopped working?

I meant with groups 2, 3 and 4 enabled, my on/off stopped working. Only groups 3 and 4 things are working as expected

Can you provide exact expected behavior vs what you see? Is this a problem interacting with the switch or from the HA front end?

For example:
Action: Tap Up on Switch
Expected: Bulb transitions to full brightness and LED bar go to full
Observed: ???

Action: Tap Down on Switch
Expected: Bulb dims to off and LED bar transitions to off
Observed: ???

Action: Hold Up
Expected: Bulb turns on until release or full brightness and LED bar matches bulb intensity
Observed: ???


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Action: Tap Up on Switch
Expected: Bulb transitions to full brightness and LED bar go to full
Observed: Turns on to whatever brightness it was last set to. (Not 100%)

Action: Tap Down on Switch
Expected: Bulb dims to off and LED bar transitions to off
Observed: Working as expected

Action: Hold Up
Expected: Bulb turns on until release or full brightness and LED bar matches bulb intensity
Observed: LED Bar starts getting more intense but bulb doesn’t change until I let go

Got it You need to set parameter 9 (Default Level) to 99. The initial value is 0 which sets it to the “Last State”. After doing that ensure only groups 3 and 4 are bound to the bulbs.

Edit: You should probably also set parameter 10 to 99. Default Level (Z-Wave)