I’m starting my migration from ST to HA. I’m using supervisor with the zwave js addon and integration. So far I’ve paired two devices and I can control they from the UI. When pairing a LZW30-SN I tried the secure inclusion but it did not prompt for the DSK. Is that normal? How can I verify the security level of the device? In ST you could look at the raw description.
It’s on the roadmap, but not yet available on ZJS.
Welcome, btw. It’s an awesome piece of tech, HA.
opened 02:55PM - 21 Jan 21 UTC
Roadmap for the Z-Wave JS integration.
Note: for a list of all that is already … supported see [here](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zwave_js/).
# Open Tasks
## General
- [ ] Complete certification requirements [[Board](https://github.com/orgs/home-assistant/projects/11/views/3)]
## Maintenance
- [ ] https://github.com/home-assistant-libs/zwave-js-server-python/issues/590
- [ ] Refactor discovery so that discovery logic for each platform lives in each platform - use Matter as a reference
- [ ] Explore using `stateful` metadata parameter for value notification discovery in device triggers
## Platform support/features
- [ ] set date/time entity (when support for this entity type is added)
- [ ] add `is_opening` and `is_closing` support for covers [[PR](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/90492)]
- [ ] Ensure that when secure inclusion fails, the reason is passed back to the user in the UI
- [ ] Handle inclusion initiated outside of HA
- [ ] Add a `lastSeen` sensor
## Service calls
## Z-Wave control panel (UI)
### WS API Ready, awaiting frontend changes
- [ ] Refresh Node (re-interview, refresh values, refresh CC values)
- [ ] Replace Failed Node
- [ ] Show node metadata on the device page (exclusion, inclusion, reset, wakeup, manual, device database URL)
- [ ] UI for managing node associations
- [ ] Add support for changing wakeup time to config panel (separate CC from normal configuration)
- [ ] add rfRegion to device info for controller node
### Lib ready, WS API support missing
- [ ] NVM backup and restore
- [ ] Let users view, add, delete, and update provisioning entries
- [ ] Node diagnostics (checking route health, testing power level, etc.)
- [ ] Record events and commands, see options (in either case we can have a stop button to stop recording because we can see whether recording is enabled or not):
- reload config entry after setting a parameter that tells the config entry to start recording when initializing the client during setup
- Update the parameter live, downside is we miss past events
- [ ] Controller hard reset
### Z-Wave JS ready, lib support missing
### zwave-js support missing
### Unclear yet on what's needed
- [ ] Some form of network health check, make it easier to point out dead nodes or nodes that are slow to respond or having communication failures.
- [ ] Network visualization of the mesh (like ZHA)
Note: Full configuration of the options are already available in the zwavejs2mqtt control panel.
## Other
- [ ] Better documentation! (this will likely never be checked off unless and until the zwave-js project stops maturing)
- [ ] Improve the Core config flow for add-on config options. Provide a list of USB devices to select device, and validate that security keys have the correct format.
# Finished
## Services
- [x] Set configuration parameter service.
- [X] Poll node/value service.
- [x] Bulk set partial configuration parameter service.
- [x] Multicast support
- [x] Reset meters
## UI
- [x] UI for updating node configuration settings
- [x] Adjust logging level of zwave-js server from UI
- [x] Subscribe to logs in the frontend
- [x] Node specific page
- [x] Log config update handling
- [x] Heal network
- [x] Show parameter number on node config page (most device manuals refer to parameter numbers instead of descriptions)
- [x] Heal node
- [x] Remove failed node
- [x] metadata comments (e.g. known issues with the device)
- [x] QR code (SmartStart) inclusion [[2021.12](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/59037)]
- [x] Controller statistics [[2022.6](https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/pull/12668)]
- [x] Node tx/rx statistics [[2022.7](https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/pull/12794)]
- [x] Node Firmware Updates [[2022.7](https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/pull/12910)]
- [x] Controller firmware updates [2023.3]
- [x] DSK only QR code support [2023.3]
## General
- [x] Add sensor for node status (awake/asleep/dead/etc)
- [x] SoundSwitch (siren) support [2021.8]
- [x] Support setting default tone and volume [2021.9]
- [x] Device conditions (config parameter state, any value state, node status) [2021.8]
- [x] Device triggers for value notifications, notifications, and node status [2021.8]
- [x] Protection Command Class (`select` entity) [[2021.9](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/54717)]
- [x] Automation triggers (non-device) for any value update [[2021.9](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/54897)]
- [x] Device triggers for any value update [[2021.9](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/54958)]
- [x] Device actions [[2021.10](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/53038)]
- [x] Migration wizard from (deprecated) `zwave` integration [[2021.10](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/56159)]
- [x] S2 support [2021.10]
- [x] Automatic firmware updates [2022.9]
- [x] Manual idling buttons for notification CC values [[2023.5](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/91446)]
- [x] perform optimistic state updates for multilevel switch entities [[2023.6](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/90490)]
- [x] improve Indicator CC support [[2023.6](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/90248)]
- [x] Controller and node statistics sensors [[2023.6](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/91714)]
- [x] config parameter entities [[2023.6](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/92223)]
- [x] Add support for window covering CC [[2023.6]]
- [x] add support for Energy Production CC [[2023.6]]
- [x] Add "identify" event handler to generate a persistent notification in HA
## Obsolete
- [ ] ~~Some sort of UI for configuring complex device settings, like notifications for Inovelli switches: https://nathanfiscus.github.io/inovelli-notification-calc/ or aeotec energy monitor reporting configs.~~ (solved by partial parameter service)
- [ ] ~Migration wizard from `ozw` integration~ (based on current analytics and the low usage of the `ozw` component, we feel a migration wizard is significantly more effort than its worth)
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Thanks! Is S0 currently supported? If how do you see S0 vs unsecure?
If you shut down ZJS and instead start up ZJS2MQTT and turn off the MQTT and websockets, their UI will show you the security I believe. ZJS does not (yet) have any front-end UI that shows any of this information (again, yet, they are programming furiously!).
March 10, 2021, 4:10am
My recommendation — don’t use secure pairing with switches / dimmers. There’s a lot of extra network overhead that comes with secure pairing, so it’s really best to reserve using it for devices where you actually need it (like locks).
@kelchm I have most of my devices in smartthings paired with S2. Thus far I haven’t had any issues. I thought S0 had a lot of traffic and S2 improved on that.
While you are correct, no security is still faster than S2. it’s how I have ALL of my inovelli kit set up. I’m not convinced someone is nefarious enough to get in and, god forbid, make my lights misbehave :D.
Fortunately my toddler is not smart enough to hack my zwave network, otherwise we would have a constant light show.
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March 10, 2021, 3:12pm
That’s true, but give that we’re stuck with S0 for now in Home Assistant I think it’s best to avoid it entirely for devices where there’s no real ‘risk’ involved.
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I have an August deadbolt lock and I tried to use s0 instead of secure but it won’t let me lock or unlock in that case. Is there any solution?
S0 is a secure pairing. Did you try unsecure?
He didn’t have a key setup in ZwaveJS, we solved this on the HA discord the lock is working correctly now.