I’m trying to wire up a LZW31-SN with a dumb switch in 3way neutral configuration. I have checked and rechecked my wiring multiple times and am convinced I am following the configuration that is listed in the Line/Load Same Box diagram.
I have also set Parameter 22 to 1.
However, the 3way dumb switch doesn’t work properly;
When I turn the light on via the Inovelli switch, I can turn the light off via the dumb switch. I can turn the light back on via the dumb switch too.
However, if I turn the light off via the dumb switch, I cannot turn it back on from the Inovelli switch.
Furthermore, if I turn the light off via the Inovelli switch, I cannot turn it back on from the dumb switch.
I am fairly confident that I must have something mixed in my wiring, but not sure what to look at/for.
Can anyone suggest what I can look for/identify? What would these symptoms point to being the culprit?