Website colors too light

Anyone have the UI change to a very light color? Happened sometime this afternoon on my phone. It’s really hard to read.

Screenshot from another thread:

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@Eric_Inovelli is on it :+1:

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It’s not you. They’re working on it. . .

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Yeah sorry guys, we just deployed the Knowledge-Base plug-in and I think one of the font files did not transfer over or something.

It should be fixed shortly :frowning:


What?! I can’t see or read anything! :see_no_evil: :laughing:




I think @stu1811 knows how to php.

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I do mostly backend C++ but I can fake it

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How is your css?

That’s the Inovelli way! :slight_smile:

Nothing the case inspector can’t handle

Uncheck/remove the font-family lines

.cooked, .d-editor-preview {
	/* font-family: 'IBM Plex Mono', monospace; */
	font-weight: 100;
	color: #0e1f20;

p {
	/* font-family: 'IBM Plex Mono', monospace; */
	font-weight: 100;
	color: #0e1f20;


Might as well pile this on. The moon/sun icon at the top right to switch between black or white background doesn’t work either anymore.

That hasn’t worked in a while. You can still change to light/dark in user preferences

Here’s something to do while you’re waiting… :slightly_smiling_face:

12M views. Dang.

12 million and 1

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